Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

Hey anyone there...? Self admitted "rookie" here, and want to flash this rom to my newly-bought, used HTC Sprint Mogul.... but how do I "flash" it? Anyone know of some instructions anywhere...?

Hey anyone there...? Self admitted "rookie" here, and want to flash this rom to my newly-bought, used HTC Sprint Mogul.... but how do I "flash" it? Anyone know of some instructions anywhere...?


Just go to one of the Signature of the Staff Dash should be on the first page click on how to flash if not that way just use the Green search button and search how to do it. Real easy this is a great rom too. Let us know how it goes !!!!!
Wow... thanks guys! 3 responses from staff-ers on my first post! Your reputation proceeds you! I will certainly try and be just as faithful to the site!

--------- New Post Merged on 19/12/2008 at 03:03:13 --------

Okay.... I did it... did all my research on the "how to flash" articles by Dash, etc... got all my downloads, and went for it... the whole first steps went fine... even when stuck on color screen, ran the titan exit.rar and it rebooted fine... but maybe my ignorance is still hindering me here, cause it rebooted and everything looks the exact same.. no changes at all.. and here I was scared to death I was gonna ruin this thing and it seems fine.

But where is my new interface... On my pc I see the 2 files: RUU_signed.nbh and RUU.rar .... but I dont think they loaded or flashed or whatever... the files themselves dont even look like my pc (winXP) recognizes them.....

So, am I missing a step here...?

--------- New Post Merged on 19/12/2008 at 03:27:36 --------



any ideas....??????
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you used the unlocker for the Mogul then put the nbh file in the ruu folder double click on the rom utility update ? if did that it should have come up with a new boot screen where you would have had to pull the battery out then hard reset .....
Well like I said, couldnt do that becuase the RUU file and the NBH files are not recognized on my pc... Windows XP doesnt know what kind of files they are... so they just have that weird "im xp and i dont know what you are" logo next to them... neither of them are a folder... so i cant drag anything into anything... however, I did stumble upon this page, sorry, dont know if this is a competitor or not, but useful info none the less, but totally not as cool as us over here at AMJ: it explains this problem and it provides an RUU zip download to fix this...! so...so far so good, trying it now. i'll keep posting.

Page - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=17473
Zip download - http://rs16.rapidshare.com/files/88767429/RUU.zip
Well like I said, couldnt do that becuase the RUU file and the NBH files are not recognized on my pc... Windows XP doesnt know what kind of files they are... so they just have that weird "im xp and i dont know what you are" logo next to them... neither of them are a folder... so i cant drag anything into anything... however, I did stumble upon this page, sorry, dont know if this is a competitor or not, but useful info none the less, but totally not as cool as us over here at AMJ: it explains this problem and it provides an RUU zip download to fix this...! so...so far so good, trying it now. i'll keep posting.

Page - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=17473
Zip download - http://rs16.rapidshare.com/files/88767429/RUU.zip

the nbh wont read through windows..it will show as a blank document and thats what it should do..... and for the ruu it is a zip folder so you will need an app like winrar to be able to open it and add the nbh file.... i would suggest reading the noob guide and how to flash a rom guide in my signature below since it is a ll covered in there also...
im sorry, thats about the fifth time Ive heard "noob guide" and I have looked everywhere for it, how do I find it..?

--------- New Post Merged on 20/12/2008 at 12:47:03 --------

the nbh wont read through windows..it will show as a blank document and thats what it should do..... and for the ruu it is a zip folder so you will need an app like winrar to be able to open it and add the nbh file.... i would suggest reading the noob guide and how to flash a rom guide in my signature below since it is a ll covered in there also...

ahh haa....!!! IM GOLDEN! winrar!! that did it, that was the problem.... right on D/\sh! Thanks man! (maybe that little notion could be added to the "how to flash a rom guide"...) Im off and running! Looks good Kaos!

Last question though, is it normal that when it loaded the new ROM, it went right to boot with the new splash screens and everything, I never did a "remove battery, press power/camera, the stylus reset." Is that okay, or do I still need to do that... it seems to be working fine...?
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im sorry, thats about the fifth time Ive heard "noob guide" and I have looked everywhere for it, how do I find it..?

--------- New Post Merged on 20/12/2008 at 12:47:03 --------

ahh haa....!!! IM GOLDEN! winrar!! that did it, that was the problem.... right on D/\sh! Thanks man! (maybe that little notion could be added to the "how to flash a rom guide"...) Im off and running! Looks good Kaos!

Last question though, is it normal that when it loaded the new ROM, it went right to boot with the new splash screens and everything, I never did a "remove battery, press power/camera, the stylus reset." Is that okay, or do I still need to do that... it seems to be working fine...?

You needed to do the that so the page pool would take affect. Not a expert on that but i would do the hard reset still.
this is kind of a goofy question, but how long should it take to download this ROM? (when i do one from the HTC site it's rather quick, but it seems like this one takes forever...)
this is kind of a goofy question, but how long should it take to download this ROM? (when i do one from the HTC site it's rather quick, but it seems like this one takes forever...)

It takes as long as it takes your comp to download a file that size. It will tell you how quick your dlin in the dl screen.

Just completed my first flashing of my Mogul (PPC-6800SP)

I followed all the D/\SH's instructions on flashing to a custom from a stock ROM.

I used this ROM Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva

Everything seems to go well.

to flash a custom rom from a stock rom
1. unlock your phone using hardspl found here:

Did this and followed the steps

It unlocked (Red, White, Blue Screen)

2. download the custom rom of your choice and download
3. take the nbh file and drag into the RUU folder found here:
4. connect to activesync

Did this, I now have around a 66MB file called RUU_signed.nbh

5. run the romupdateutility.exe file from the RUU
6. follow the steps of the wizard.

It installed. The status bar on both my PC and my phone was in sync as they both reached 100%. It rebooted. Was stuck on the first Splash Screen (The Radio Splash as its called in this thread). I waited like 20 mins for it to continue. So I removed the battery and waited 1 minute or so and put it back in then Hard Reset it. It is still stuck at the Radio Splash Screen. . It boots a little bit because the boot numbers appear at the bottom of the splash screen then go away then nothing...they are...

M 09 P ACAAAAM-4070
B 03 R 1.32.00
D 3.56

I am hoping I did not kill this phone. I was looking forward to getting rid of Nextel and the ancient POS that I am using. If theres any hope please help


7. DONE.

--------- New Post Merged on 22/12/2008 at 03:16:45 --------

Found this as a response to someone having the same issue...so I will try this.thanks!

Don't worry, you haven't bricked it yet. Which unlocker did you install? If you put the Mogul into bootloader mode (hold down power and camera buttons while pressing the stylus in the reset hole until you see a multi-color screen) it will tell you which bootloader (also sometimes called unlocker) you have installed.

If it is 2.40, leave the Mogul in that screen, plug in the USB cable, and run the OEM Sprint 3.35 ROM package on your PC. Ignore the wording about Activesync. That will give you compatible ROM, radio, and bootloader.

If it shows 1.20 in the multi-color screen, you installed the old version of the unlocker, and you will have to flash the OEM Sprint 2.17 ROM package to get a compatible ROM and radio for that bootloader. This is the part where you might brick the phone. If that works OK, you can then install the proper 2.40 unlocker and reflash the OEM 3.35 ROM package. If, however, after flashing the 2.17 ROM the phone goes into a dark screen and nothing will wake it back up (this is bricked), take it back to a Sprint corporate owned store or Repair Center and tell them it will not turn on, they will replace it for you since your previous posts imply that you have the TEP.
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sorry if this has been asked but i didnt have time to read the 70 and some odd pages but, i have uscellular and i want to flash to this rom, i currently have sprints stock 6.1 loaded on to my phone and everything except the gps is working, so would this rom work and also could i just run dcd's uscc cab after i flash with this rom or will it skip the customization after the phone has been flashed....?
sorry if this has been asked but i didnt have time to read the 70 and some odd pages but, i have uscellular and i want to flash to this rom, i currently have sprints stock 6.1 loaded on to my phone and everything except the gps is working, so would this rom work and also could i just run dcd's uscc cab after i flash with this rom or will it skip the customization after the phone has been flashed....?

Yes you shuld be able to flash this and not sure about you running the cab and stuff sorry
sorry if this has been asked but i didnt have time to read the 70 and some odd pages but, i have uscellular and i want to flash to this rom, i currently have sprints stock 6.1 loaded on to my phone and everything except the gps is working, so would this rom work and also could i just run dcd's uscc cab after i flash with this rom or will it skip the customization after the phone has been flashed....?

yes you can flash this rom to your phone and run the dcd carrier cab and have it work perfect for you :>
k thanks, would you say that the gps should work for sure without a prob? because ive tried everything to enable gps on my windows mobile with the new 6.1 sprint rom i got from the htc website.
k thanks, would you say that the gps should work for sure without a prob? because ive tried everything to enable gps on my windows mobile with the new 6.1 sprint rom i got from the htc website.

yeah i never had a problem on any kaos rom with the gps.
Quote: Originally Posted by cuz215
Well before I loaded your new ROM, I was running your F*CK Sprint ROM Take3. I used the same .tsk files I used with that ROM, and on this ROM, I"m getting that magnified effect. I tried creating a new one, and it's giving the same effect on this ROM. It's like the background is marger than before. Any idea what that could be, or somewhere in the registry I can look to maybe find a fix for this? Thanks for the help!

DASH - did you take the battery out and hard reset after the flash? if not than do that now, if you did do that than try a reflash and see what that does for you.

I tried that but no change in the issue. I re-installed the ROM and still got the issue. I went back to the F*CK sprint, take 3, and everything is working fine. If you run into the same problem and have a fix or know what it is, please let me know. Thanks
I got the ROM to install after I updated my radio. I notice the touchflo is in the list. I don't see it anywhere on my mogul. If this didnt install for some reason (which I thought a rom was basically like an image where there are no options as to what goes in it) then how would i make sure its all there?
