How to Dye Your Touch Pro Battery Cover


I didnt see this up anywhere but then again i didnt really look just thought id share my experience in dying my battery door cover.

First of all sprint decided to pick that champagne snotty color for the TP and I really couldnt see myself living with it. After searching around web world I came across something that seemed to work. After some fine tuning I headed to Micheals(The hobby shop where i live) and went and got some fabric dye. Some prefer liquid I however like the powder. Im cool with black so i stuck whith simple black in color however i am still experimenting with others.

I got some water in a pot( preferably a pot you wil never use just becuase you probably wont want to cook in it again).

Heated it to about 4 or 5 on my stove i have gas burner so basically just below a boil but warm enough to see some steam and burn yourself if you leave your hand in.
Then poured the dye in stiring pretty muich the entire rest of the time. I used a plastic spoon and a spatchla just so no scratches on your cover.

Next step DROP YOUR TOUCH PRO COVER DIRECTLY INTO THE WATER DO NOT COVER THE CAMERA LENS OR ANYTHING. You can cover portins of the cover if you really want to to make a design but for a solid look no need.

Stir in dye mix for aproximatley 9-12 minutes depending on how you like the color it should appear like a charcoal texture when ready to be taken out.

Go ahead and take the cover out and place on some paper towels. Paper towels are key otherwise big mess etc.....

pour some cool water over cover then sing another paper towel dry and lightly buff the cover till you see basically nothing come off on the paper towel.

Let it stand for about 20 min and voila your cover is ready to go back on.

When i did it the first time it did dye the inside of the cover but who cares still looks sweet I have pics of what it looks like. Also the other side to this is the cover still feels like the origional cover just simply looks better. Ive had my origional dye job on my phone for at least 2 months and no rubbing off at all and have got plenty of compliments from other tp sprint users whom really want it

its super easy to do and yes for the record i droped my leftover dye into a milk carton that was emptied and have used it 3 times since the first and had no issues with it. The dye only cost $2-$3 bucks so it is clearly worth it to me and maybe others out there! Enjoy!! Oh yea also a go for the diamond on sprint I have both pictured! By the way in case it wasnt mentioned i did not come up with this idea by myself I just thought AMJ might need this post!


and iwould like to add that the more of the dye from the packet or bottle that you use and the longer you leave it in their the darker it will get.... o if you leave and dont check on a blue it might end up black within 5 minutes so be careful how much dye you use and how long you leave it in there.... also you should be able to have your finger in the watrer for about 2 secinds without burning you.... if you cant than the water is too hot and it WILL warp your cover causing it not to fit right on the device.
i may be late sorry guys but..dashy where can we get extra battery covers??? if its even possible:viannen_07:
i may be late sorry guys but..dashy where can we get extra battery covers??? if its even possible:viannen_07:

yeah sprint repair centers,..... just go around ask them and if they have any in stock they will give on too you.... i now have 4 of them that i dyed :> and did a total of around 30 for friends and mod customers.
yeah sprint repair centers,..... just go around ask them and if they have any in stock they will give on too you.... i now have 4 of them that i dyed :> and did a total of around 30 for friends and mod customers.

yes sir, i just go the sprint store down here and get them, or send my chicks to get me sum and ive dyed dozens of them. custom designs and colors...need to do like dashy boi right here and throw a clear coat to get a nice shine. good shit on that last one bro!
yes sir, i just go the sprint store down here and get them, or send my chicks to get me sum and ive dyed dozens of them. custom designs and colors...need to do like dashy boi right here and throw a clear coat to get a nice shine. good shit on that last one bro!

hey sixx when you get a chance if you dont mind can you send me a pm?
So here is the deal... I had to go to Home Depot to pick up a few things... i was looking for a fabric die and they directed me to a Walmart or Michaels (fabric store). Walmart was around the corner and so after looking around I found the fabric die. Well, I made sure it was a powder form. I cam home and started cooking... (did as instructed above).....After 5min into the process, nothing was happening to the cover. It would be black and then the black colored water would just flow off the cover back in to the pot. So, I am on the hunt for the right one. FYI DO NOT USE THE FOLLOW BRAND listed in the link below..... If there are any success stories, please let me know.... I heard Rite ot Rit works well. i havent came across it though,........

So here is the deal... I had to go to Home Depot to pick up a few things... i was looking for a fabric die and they directed me to a Walmart or Michaels (fabric store). Walmart was around the corner and so after looking around I found the fabric die. Well, I made sure it was a powder form. I cam home and started cooking... (did as instructed above).....After 5min into the process, nothing was happening to the cover. It would be black and then the black colored water would just flow off the cover back in to the pot. So, I am on the hunt for the right one. FYI DO NOT USE THE FOLLOW BRAND listed in the link below..... If there are any success stories, please let me know.... I heard Rite ot Rit works well. i havent came across it though,........


RIT is the only type of dye that will work with the plastic on the battery covers... its not by the other dye since it is toxic though....... at walmart they store it on the top row right next to the bleach...... every wlamart that i have been too has had it in the same spot.
RIT is the only type of dye that will work with the plastic on the battery covers... its not by the other dye since it is toxic though....... at walmart they store it on the top row right next to the bleach...... every wlamart that i have been too has had it in the same spot.

yup yup, every walmart has this and is the only one i trust into doing this.
Ok... so here is the scoop. I walked in to my local CVS and found this......


..... I used this and the instuctions posted above and it worked like a charm.... Seeing is believing, so this is what you want. Just thought i'd post my personal experience with complishing this non-sense
Ok... so here is the scoop. I walked in to my local CVS and found this......


..... I used this and the instuctions posted above and it worked like a charm.... Seeing is believing, so this is what you want. Just thought i'd post my personal experience with complishing this non-sense

yup thats the stuff...... i like the liquid better than the powder myself so you made a good choice.
anybody know if you can dye your stylus as well? mine matches the ugly maroon cover on my has a different feel then the cover so i am hesitant on dying the cover and being stuck with an ugly colored stylus......let me know!!! thnx
anybody know if you can dye your stylus as well? mine matches the ugly maroon cover on my has a different feel then the cover so i am hesitant on dying the cover and being stuck with an ugly colored stylus......let me know!!! thnx

yes you can but you may have to rub a magnet across the stylus afterewards for diamonds since it tends to demagnitize the stylus's some.
alrighty, thanks for the quick response. hey what brand of clear coat do you reccomend?

i used house of color but thats automotive from a gun.... you can go to walmart and get the spray clearcoat and that will work fine.... just be sure to roughen the cover up with some 1000-1500 grit sandpaper so the clear will stick. also be sure that you do 3-4 LIGHT layers.... it wont look shiny until the 3rd coat maby second.