PPC App Request

I saw an older version of this but not the new version:

Selboriyorker Wallet 2.0


Selboriyorker Wallet is a secure and manageable storage of sensitive information, such as passport and account numbers, access and PIN codes, logins and passwords. The encrypted and password-protected data can be accessed from Windows PCs, and synchronized with mobile devices and now on Symbian S60 also.

Thank you
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This is a in call auto recorder that records all calls. This is the only one that i found that works good on my tp. There is an older one on this site but i cant get it to work on my phone. Thanks
i encoded this right
This is a in call auto recorder that records all calls. This is the only one that i found that works good on my tp. There is an older one on this site but i cant get it to work on my phone. Thanks
i encoded this right

please follow the rules in the first post so we know what you are talking about.... until you follow the rules in the first post your request will be ignored.
MobileRemote v1.0
it turns your ppc into a wireless Bluetooth mouse, keyboard and media controller for pc & maybe ps3...best description here
Here is a program that I saw. Sure someone besides me might like it.

Program Name:
Memory-Map Weather Radar

Developer Site:
Download Website:
Description of Program:
Memory-Map Weather Radar is an application to display, live animated National Weather Service Doppler radar images from radars located throughout the United States. Radar is the most effective tool to detect precipitation, especially thunderstorms, and has been used by NWS forecasters since the 1940's. Memory-Map now brings this information, conveniently and efficiently, right to your phone.

Gotta be another Pilot Geek on here that could use this...hahaha


Here is the actual site for the gps maps I am looking for. I would like the whole national set if possible or just the Great Lakes area. My last post was for the wrong website:
Here is the actual site for the gps maps I am looking for. I would like the whole national set if possible or just the Great Lakes area. My last post was for the wrong website:

ill see what i can find for you on this..... never heard of this app to tell the truth so will take some research
iGuidance 2009 was just recently released.
. I can someone track this one down?
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Can I make a request for Wisbar Advance build 3.4a? It seems they finally added a bluetooth icon!


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this looks interesting..... who would like to make this possible for the community??


Comprised of three applications, Contacts Genius, Call Genius and Area Code Genius, together with a customizable Today Screen plug-in, Panoramic Phone Genius has been developed to give you all of the calling features a modern Smartphone should have while making the experience intuitive and easy.


* Kinetic scrolling menu systems
* Two (2) customizable favorites screens for personal & business
* Drag and drop your contacts on the favorites screen
* Contact sorting
* Incoming calls display the callers location (requires call display)
* Easy to change phone profiles
* Contact details screen
* More Info button on Post call screen displays call and area/country information
* Custom SMS responses, block caller list
* In call cheek guard
* Display and sort call/SMS history
* Easy to navigate menu bar
* Smooth transitions between screens
* Six (6) custom skin colors
* Mute incoming calls with ease
* Search by country code or north american area codes
* Customizable phone options including calling rules
* Discover facts on world regions
* Today screen plug-in

this looks interesting..... who would like to make this possible for the community??

Comprised of three applications, Contacts Genius, Call Genius and Area Code Genius, together with a customizable Today Screen plug-in, Panoramic Phone Genius has been developed to give you all of the calling features a modern Smartphone should have while making the experience intuitive and easy.


* Kinetic scrolling menu systems
* Two (2) customizable favorites screens for personal & business
* Drag and drop your contacts on the favorites screen
* Contact sorting
* Incoming calls display the callers location (requires call display)
* Easy to change phone profiles
* Contact details screen
* More Info button on Post call screen displays call and area/country information
* Custom SMS responses, block caller list
* In call cheek guard
* Display and sort call/SMS history
* Easy to navigate menu bar
* Smooth transitions between screens
* Six (6) custom skin colors
* Mute incoming calls with ease
* Search by country code or north american area codes
* Customizable phone options including calling rules
* Discover facts on world regions
* Today screen plug-in


i will see what i can find.... dont have access to unrestricted internet at work so i will have ot look later.... can you send me the developers site in an email to me?
Looking to get SMS Chat...I have searched for it but unable to come up with anything. I saw that it was requested but didnt see it posted. Here is the link
As always Thanks and Good Looking Out!
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Looking to get SMS Chat...I have searched for it but unable to come up with anything. I saw that it was requested but didnt see it posted. Here is the link
As always Thanks and Good Looking Out!

Try to search on the site first...you'll be surprised by what you find! "SMS Chat" in the 'Search' field brought me this...https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=181612&highlight=Chat Enjoy, there is more than what you asked for...

--------- New Post Merged on 11/3/2009 at 03:25:50 --------

Wow! I haven't needed to do this in a while...
At any rate, I have come across another Traffic Alert based application. Working in the MD/DC/Va area, commuting nearly 2hrs to work, makes traffic alert important to me, and maybe others...I like Mobileyes https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=176802
I wanted to see if; e-Mobile: e-Mobile Traffic


"Ever wish you knew exactly where wrecks and traffic jams were going to be on your way to work? Now you can avoid those backups with e-Mobile Traffic! Receive real-time traffic information right from your hand. You'll get all you need to know about traffic conditions in your town including life traffic flow and incidents reports. Manage your daily commute with the most up-to-date information possible!"

Features include:
View real-time traffic flow and accident reports
Set your program to receive automatic updates with real-time information
View color-coded traffic on roads with incidents and a speed indicator to understand current traffic conditions

Minimum Requirements:
Internet enabled Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 6, 5 or WM 2003.

Display Dimensions
240 x 240, 240 x 320, 320 x 240, 320 x 320, 480 x 480, 480 x 640, 480 x 800, 640 x 480, 800 x 480
Operating System
Pocket PC 2000, Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC 2003, Pocket PC 2003 SE, WM5, WM6

Pulse Check? Between this and "Phone Genius", two interesting apps to me.
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MobileRemote v1.0
it turns your ppc into a wireless Bluetooth mouse, keyboard and media controller for pc & maybe ps3...best description here
i'd like 2 change it to ver 1.1 now it fully supports ps3..thanks guys
Hey is there any way you can find Flip It! 1.2 Flash animation program unlocked? its really fun. I found it on pocket gear but it cost any suggestions?