[ANNOUNCEMENT] Thinking About Leaving

I understand that Dash but I don't think that people do it intentionally. Basically cells phone mods is the context in which we all know each other. I don't know who specifically you are referring to but it's hard to have friendships outside of this context without actually seeing and meeting one another IMO. Not saying that we aren't all friends here or that we aren't a community.....but we all are here because of one common interest. With that said, I think that it would still be possible to have friendships outside of this context but you probably would need to take this up with people individually. For instance if you were on palringo and somebody asked you a question or for help.....tell them right then and there that you are not a live customer service rep and to post there question on the boards. This is the sort of thing that I think you would only have to say once for people to get the idea. Or....in this case, just from you sharing your feelings on this subject should be enough. Anyways Dash...just keep your head up buddy.
D/\SH!! My nigguh!! Homie I know what you mean, you can put your whole hart into something, and at the end of the day someone will look at it and say "eh," F*CK those people, brother as along we have a sense of accomplishment, no one can take that away from you, you will always be your own worst critic, and the best compliment will be the one you give your self.

You're right there are a lot of parasites here that are just on here for what you guys offer, you bring a lot to the table and these nigguz don't even give the Courtesy of a jiggle to the nut sack, you know.

Well homie I'm sure whatever you decide, we will all respect it, we wont like it, but we will respect it, good luck to you my brother, and hopefully Sunday comes you'll still be part of this team, if you should anything my brother, I (along with your peers) are here and also have you back, Dude if you need me to whoop someones ass, let me know!!LoL
through all of this i see that many took it as me just not feeling i get the credit on the boards with the thank yous but thats the smallest part of it all...... really i am human and i do have feelings. i am good with mobile phones but wehn people you consider friends walk all over you and dont want to talk anything with you but how to fix troubles it gets depressing. friends are supposed to be there for you no matter what and you should be able to talk to friends about anything..... i dont go on palringo anymore for that mere fact. i would just like to have a regular conversation not mobile releated for once with people but that never works out that way. im not a machine and i dont live for ppc's or to serve and help anyome... i am my own man and jsut want the respect and want people who are true friends in my life. we started that way and i have friends in most of the staff here. (newer dont know you since i cant go on palringo anymore) it didnt used to be like this and i dont want to be known as D/\SH anymore because D/\SH isnt respected.... i wish i could change my identity but i cant you know....... its just tough to see something i loved for so long become not fun not becasue of something i did but becasue of others enforcing my joy and making it work for me in the end.... as many have noticed i havent been on nearly as much as i used to for this reason and have been thinking this through for some time now and wanted to make my decision public to everyone since i owe that to the staff especially.... my decision isnt final yet but its weighted at leaving at this point in time...... i love you all here and elboriyorker if you want to try the one with the thanks we can see how that works out and all.... jsut let me know.... thanks for being htere always buddy :>\


Bubba, I hear where you are coming from and I know that we kick it on a level more then just ppc's. Just look at how many kills you got on GTA with me... :lol: J/k.... but on the real, I am here for you and I am a true friend. I hope you find it in your heart to stay as I dont think I would log on to AMJ if my brother from the AMJ family is no longer with me. We have some great times on AMJ and talk about many things on a personal level, unfortunately, not everyone is going to recognize your efforts and hard work you do because people will be people. Some are good and some bad, the bad ones are the ones that are ruining it for the ones that do care. So with great respect, please reconsider as I dont know where I would be without my brother from another mother, like NO OTHER!
I understand that Dash but I don't think that people do it intentionally. Basically cells phone mods is the context in which we all know each other. I don't know who specifically you are referring to but it's hard to have friendships outside of this context without actually seeing and meeting one another IMO. Not saying that we aren't all friends here or that we aren't a community.....but we all are here because of one common interest. With that said, I think that it would still be possible to have friendships outside of this context but you probably would need to take this up with people individually. For instance if you were on palringo and somebody asked you a question or for help.....tell them right then and there that you are not a live customer service rep and to post there question on the boards. This is the sort of thing that I think you would only have to say once for people to get the idea. Or....in this case, just from you sharing your feelings on this subject should be enough. Anyways Dash...just keep your head up buddy.

every single person in the staff is my FRIEND and FAMILY and i havent met any of them. elboriyorker is like a second father firgure to me since me and my father have a great relationship but we dont share many common interests. i feel you can make friends without troubles through the web. but thats my thoughts on the topic and i have done that through youtube, palringo, aim, pm's, emails, etc...... its pretty damn sad that right when i log on i get mass amounts of messages for support... i cant escape it. like for instance i logged on today and within 20 seconds i had over 30 messages asking for support.... icant keep doing that all the time......... (no they werent old they were new from within those 30 seconds.)
D/\SH!! My nigguh!! Homie I know what you mean, you can put your whole hart into something, and at the end of the day someone will look at it and say "eh," F*CK those people, brother as along we have a sense of accomplishment, no one can take that away from you, you will always be your own worst critic, and the best compliment will be the one you give your self.

You're right there are a lot of parasites here that are just on here for what you guys offer, you bring a lot to the table and these nigguz don't even give the Courtesy of a jiggle to the nut sack, you know.

Well homie I'm sure whatever you decide, we will all respect it, we wont like it, but we will respect it, good luck to you my brother, and hopefully Sunday comes you'll still be part of this team, if you should anything my brother, I (along with your peers) are here and also have you back, Dude if you need me to whoop someones ass, let me know!!LoL

thanks bro.... just unsure of everything you know..... its hard when you feel you are being used and than realize finally your not thinking that but you are being used and taken advantage of.

Bubba, I hear where you are coming from and I know that we kick it on a level more then just ppc's. Just look at how many kills you got on GTA with me... :lol: J/k.... but on the real, I am here for you and I am a true friend. I hope you find it in your heart to stay as I dont think I would log on to AMJ if my brother from the AMJ family is no longer with me. We have some great times on AMJ and talk about many things on a personal level, unfortunately, not everyone is going to recognize your efforts and hard work you do because people will be people. Some are good and some bad, the bad ones are the ones that are ruining it for the ones that do care. So with great respect, please reconsider as I dont know where I would be without my brother from another mother, like NO OTHER!

for sure jew i love ya to death and will alwyas be there for you and i know you the same..... you will be one of the first to know along with elboriyorker on my final decision.
thanks bro.... just unsure of everything you know..... its hard when you feel you are being used and than realize finally your not thinking that but you are being used and taken advantage of.

for sure jew i love ya to death and will alwyas be there for you and i know you the same..... you will be one of the first to know along with elboriyorker on my final decision.

hey dashy are you hitting that bottle again hahahaha j/k buddy yea bro I'll set that up in a couple of days or less....I did feel that way at one point running ptech and i was close to shutting it down till dashy came around and gave me hope. but we all have feelins and we all have to respect that..You got my digits hit me up if you need anything.
that is some really sad news man, even though we dont talk much outside the site, i consider you a friend and someone i can trust and you know that since you did me the favor of the extra device (if it bothers you in some way, send me a pm ok buddy? i noticed that you mentioned something similar in the first post) but simce then you know that i wouldnt allow any more favors cus i know how it feels to be taken advantage of and i dont want to be part of the problem.

As for pple seeing you as only PPCs, i totally understand. even though one of the above posts is right (about that being the first obvious thing in common) pple should be able to escape the mobile world and see you as a fun loving guy who is addicted to Jessica Alba and rays sister lol, thats why i always like to joke around with you from time to time, from my sister comments...... all the way to D/\SH in a mullet Lmao, i know its hard to escape the noobs but as you said, you are not a CS Rep so dont stress out man, i hope that the site becomes more member dependant instead of staff dependant so that issue can be resolved.

anyway, even though we dont talk much outside the site, i consider you as a friend and you know that you can count on me for anything bro, dont think that any friendship is a one way street homie. i apprieciate you as a person with a huge heart and it sucks that pple use that to their advantage but know that you have a true friend in me buddy
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Take ureself a bit of a holiday man... you sound stressed out. I know I get like that after after pouring your life into your projects. Seriously man how often do I go to my personal website SSR... not to often to be real I got tired of it, but I know its there when I'm ready to go back to it. Just needed a break... we all hit that point. Don't stress to much about it things always have a way of working themselves out man. There are always gonna be people that get on your last nerve, just know there are also people that DO HAVE GREAT RESPECT FOR YOU. I'm proud to say I am one of those people. If there is anything I can do for you hit me up, maybe a sexy graphic or something. :o)
Yo D/\sh i know i haven't really made any kind of bond with you or anything, but i honostly feel that your loss will be missed entirely to much around here for you to leave.

If it weren't for you i really don't think I would of had the balls to flash my phone or do anything to it. I find myself to be a rare breed of reading before doing things and all of your knowledge of what it is you do astounds me and i really think it would make things here change immensly without your presence.

I couldn't think of what it would have been like without discovering that video on youtube that started out. " What's going on? It's your boy D/\sh from smart phone junkie.com" From there on I was hooked and watched every informational video you had put out.

Don't let shit get you down man!! Keep yah head up pimpin!!
hey dashy are you hitting that bottle again hahahaha j/k buddy yea bro I'll set that up in a couple of days or less....I did feel that way at one point running ptech and i was close to shutting it down till dashy came around and gave me hope. but we all have feelins and we all have to respect that..You got my digits hit me up if you need anything.

hahahaha elboriyorker i loved p-tech and you are the reason im here... i asked you questions and you were blunt and to the point which i loved in an owner and made that my home until we decided to build this puppy up.

that is some really sad news man, even though we dont talk much outside the site, i consider you a friend and someone i can trust and you know that since you did me the favor of the extra device (if it bothers you in some way, send me a pm ok buddy? i noticed that you mentioned something similar in the first post) but simce then you know that i wouldnt allow any more favors cus i know how it feels to be taken advantage of and i dont want to be part of the problem.

As for pple seeing you as only PPCs, i totally understand. even though one of the above posts is right (about that being the first obvious thing in common) pple should be able to escape the mobile world and see you as a fun loving guy who is addicted to Jessica Alba and rays sister lol, thats why i always like to joke around with you from time to time, from my sister comments...... all the way to D/\SH in a mullet Lmao, i know its hard to escape the noobs but as you said, you are not a CS Rep so dont stress out man, i hope that the site becomes more member dependant instead of staff dependant so that issue can be resolved.

anyway, even though we dont talk much outside the site, i consider you as a friend and you know that you can count on me for anything bro, dont think that any friendship is a one way street homie. i apprieciate you as a person with a huge heart and it sucks that pple use that to their advantage but know that you have a true friend in me buddy

naw that wasnt toward you so dont worry, you have helped me soooo much with all you do and you still come around even with computer problems and that shows me something there. you too are my friend and always will be no matter what....... take it easy pimping and we will tlak for sure.

Take ureself a bit of a holiday man... you sound stressed out. I know I get like that after after pouring your life into your projects. Seriously man how often do I go to my personal website SSR... not to often to be real I got tired of it, but I know its there when I'm ready to go back to it. Just needed a break... we all hit that point. Don't stress to much about it things always have a way of working themselves out man. There are always gonna be people that get on your last nerve, just know there are also people that DO HAVE GREAT RESPECT FOR YOU. I'm proud to say I am one of those people. If there is anything I can do for you hit me up, maybe a sexy graphic or something. :o)

thanks probex and thanks for the texts :> means more than you would know

Yo D/\sh i know i haven't really made any kind of bond with you or anything, but i honostly feel that your loss will be missed entirely to much around here for you to leave.

If it weren't for you i really don't think I would of had the balls to flash my phone or do anything to it. I find myself to be a rare breed of reading before doing things and all of your knowledge of what it is you do astounds me and i really think it would make things here change immensly without your presence.

I couldn't think of what it would have been like without discovering that video on youtube that started out. " What's going on? It's your boy D/\sh from smart phone junkie.com" From there on I was hooked and watched every informational video you had put out.

Don't let shit get you down man!! Keep yah head up pimpin!!

hahaha thanks bro, you know i got you if you ever need anything

now straight up, the site does have a lot of stress but i do love it here dont get me wrong, how couldnt i ? AMJ turned two years old on the 22nd of feb 09. this is my baby and my love and joy for the past two years. all i said throughout this thread was all true and how i feel. now this has taken me a while to get the balls to say but here we go. on top of me moving back to michigan for my moms i went through my buddy committing suicide just days ago, i was soooo torn up because he was my brother i never had (2 older sisters) i was pretty much attached at the hip with him and loved him to death. after this happened i had no clue what to do or anything. so i resorted to what he did and that was popping lots of vicodin and than chugging some alcohol. i was hospitalized for 18 hours until i got cleared to be released. its just been so hard and i think that ithe only thing that kept me from taking the rest of the bottle of vicodin and drinking the second half of the fifth was you all and my mom and dad. i knew they were be deathly depressed without me being there since i am their little boy. i love you all and cant tell you what it all mean to me..... jsut hard knowing the woman i loved and was engaged too cheated on me 2 years ago and havent had a girl since. this makes it hard since your girl is who you feel comfortable talking to since talking to your boys and breaking down crying like i am now isnt something that you want your boys to see you doing for man reasons...... i just dont know what to do anymore,,,, its tough i dont want to keep going throug hte constant depression that i do go through. it seems like the only time that im hapy is when im on here lately........ i love this place but im soooo confused right now..... i know that there isnt much anyone can say to this post especially but thank you all for the memories and my final decision will be coming soon.
Damn Dash that is some pretty rough stuff. You have to keep your head up buddy and NEVER give up. I've been through some stuff in my life and if you need somebody to talk to I would be more than willing to talk to you....pm me if you would like my #.
I just read all the posts in this thread and I am deeply saddened with the decision that DASH has come to...I know you have not made anything final yet bro...but I can't see you go bro...the name DASH has become so famous that it is almost synonymous with the word "windows mobile." You are the truth man and just give me the names of those bothering you and I will start giving infractions like cops giving DUI tickets....lol, but seriously br, if you need some time off, I can understand that, but please don't leave man...you were the one who referred me here so long ago if you remember those days...I have grown to really respect you more than anybody I know online and I just would hate for not only myself but to deprive the world of such a irreplaceable person. All the staff is great...especially the owner, elboriyorker....but I agree that everyone one of the members and staff will agree with me when I say that AMJ without Dash can never be the same no matter how much staff has got ur back bro. Whatever your final decision is bro...I am always here for you and you can always hit me up whenever you need any help and if people bug you for help you got my emails, my youtube channel, and my pm box...just send them my way...and for any staff with questions bro...just give them my number and I will always have ur back! :mecry:
What up Dash I hate to see you go I came here because of you and your helpful videos and found your work very helpful I just wanted to say thanks for all the work and yeah I know I have not been on here contributing in sometime but I have all this stuff going on with my new house work coaching my daughters junior basketball team and not to mention another baby girl on the way I hope to have some time soon to help out around here thanks a million Dash
hahahaha elboriyorker i loved p-tech and you are the reason im here... i asked you questions and you were blunt and to the point which i loved in an owner and made that my home until we decided to build this puppy up.

naw that wasnt toward you so dont worry, you have helped me soooo much with all you do and you still come around even with computer problems and that shows me something there. you too are my friend and always will be no matter what....... take it easy pimping and we will tlak for sure.

thanks probex and thanks for the texts :> means more than you would know

hahaha thanks bro, you know i got you if you ever need anything

now straight up, the site does have a lot of stress but i do love it here dont get me wrong, how couldnt i ? AMJ turned two years old on the 22nd of feb 09. this is my baby and my love and joy for the past two years. all i said throughout this thread was all true and how i feel. now this has taken me a while to get the balls to say but here we go. on top of me moving back to michigan for my moms i went through my buddy committing suicide just days ago, i was soooo torn up because he was my brother i never had (2 older sisters) i was pretty much attached at the hip with him and loved him to death. after this happened i had no clue what to do or anything. so i resorted to what he did and that was popping lots of vicodin and than chugging some alcohol. i was hospitalized for 18 hours until i got cleared to be released. its just been so hard and i think that ithe only thing that kept me from taking the rest of the bottle of vicodin and drinking the second half of the fifth was you all and my mom and dad. i knew they were be deathly depressed without me being there since i am their little boy. i love you all and cant tell you what it all mean to me..... jsut hard knowing the woman i loved and was engaged too cheated on me 2 years ago and havent had a girl since. this makes it hard since your girl is who you feel comfortable talking to since talking to your boys and breaking down crying like i am now isnt something that you want your boys to see you doing for man reasons...... i just dont know what to do anymore,,,, its tough i dont want to keep going throug hte constant depression that i do go through. it seems like the only time that im hapy is when im on here lately........ i love this place but im soooo confused right now..... i know that there isnt much anyone can say to this post especially but thank you all for the memories and my final decision will be coming soon.
Wow man that took some balls all right to come out an say that.....I dont even know what to say but keep your head up man....life suxs for the most part but you make it for what it is....life has its ups and down....for me it seems like it has ups downs sideways backwards you name it....but no matter how hard you try it seems like it doesnt get better,,......but it does man, and ill tell you what. not having a girl or bein in a relationship isnt the end man....me and you are the same age and ive been with the same girl almost 5 yrs now......dont get me wrong i love my wife and I love my daughter, but i missed out on alot of fun shit....just bein able to go out and not worry about a thing....part hardy, hangin with the boys for countless hours....it all gets taken away....spread those ****in wings an fly man....just have fun....dont worry about little things anymore....live life man......i know loosing friends can be hard and a best friend even harder. but dont forget you have countles friends here, im only a text/call away....shit im on palringo now man....i made the staff room for a reason....got tired of all the support question when im tryin to chilll......so dont forget man where all here for you ready to so what it takes to get you back on your feet....
Wow... thats wild... I leave for a minute, and the Boy D/\SH thinking about leavin.... thats insane! I mean, I just read through this whole post, and the outpouring of emotions from the reg here on the site is moving, and, there not much to be said after that... but speaking from personal experience man... there will be a huge whole in AMJ w/o you... you are the heart and backbone of the site... But I feel where you coming from dawg... your more than just that, cuz to say that is like saying your the main supporter (which of coarse you are) of the site and thats it... and thats far from the truth... I know Im the new kid on the block (at least runnin w/ the staff crew)... but in the time Ive been here you've been a teacher and a friend... Since I've been here I felt nothin but open arms from you the staff, and the members (at least the real members here)... youve taught me about ppc's (just a small sampling of it... still so much to learn, and i am) but more than that, we've shared laughs, cracked jokes, and slowly but surely, have been developing bonds (digital or otherwise) in ways that may have been built on common ppc interest, but deepining over time dawg... I gots luv for yahll, and I know you must have it too, or you never would help start this whole movements, and brought the rest of us along w/ you... Its sad when, people manage to suck the Joy of what you lovce, but Im hopin that love is still there, because judging from the outpour from everyone here... there's love goin both ways... and weather you choose to leave or juust fall back, or stay.... AMJ is your home bro... and as much as AMJ needs you on that basic ppc knowledge level... many of us would ratherhave you whole and complete... the guy that did it cuz he loved and had a good time with it... I hope you can find it and him again... Dont let MuvafuKKas steal your passion dawg... we all need that... just do what u gotta do for urself, and hopefully if u choose the later from staying and going... you can find a way to keep in touch w/ those that care, and appreciate the cool dude u are, weather that be sneakin on palringo like on superbowl sunday, or just pms, or just hittin the staff forums for a while... every one else here will hold u down for whatever you need dawg... and thats real!

--------- New Post Merged on 28/2/2009 at 01:36:44 --------

Damn... that ish was mushy.... see what u got me doin.... sheesh!
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Wow man that took some balls all right to come out an say that.....I dont even know what to say but keep your head up man....life suxs for the most part but you make it for what it is....life has its ups and down....for me it seems like it has ups downs sideways backwards you name it....but no matter how hard you try it seems like it doesnt get better,,......but it does man, and ill tell you what. not having a girl or bein in a relationship isnt the end man....me and you are the same age and ive been with the same girl almost 5 yrs now......dont get me wrong i love my wife and I love my daughter, but i missed out on alot of fun shit....just bein able to go out and not worry about a thing....part hardy, hangin with the boys for countless hours....it all gets taken away....spread those ****in wings an fly man....just have fun....dont worry about little things anymore....live life man......i know loosing friends can be hard and a best friend even harder. but dont forget you have countles friends here, im only a text/call away....shit im on palringo now man....i made the staff room for a reason....got tired of all the support question when im tryin to chilll......so dont forget man where all here for you ready to so what it takes to get you back on your feet....

thanks and yes it was hard for me to say but i feel it is something i had to say. i never thought i would ever do something like that to myslef and would never imagine doing it again but with all going on that i mentioned in the first post for a while and than my best friend and my mentor killing himself was just too much to handle and i stupidly decided to take the pussy way out..... its something that i have to live with now and after that experience i shouldnt have been living for a guy my size as the doctor said but the stranger than took me to the hospital at the bar got me there before all went too sour. i owe my life to that guy and of course GOD. i wouldnt be here if the big man didnt feel that my work on earth was done. i thiank you all for the comments and i guess i got some thinking to do. i really do appreciate having you all to talk to and finally getting that off my chest. it really was a hard thing for me to do because suicide is no joke and many look down on that..... and with the girl i know it aint the end of the world and at times i love being single and hanging out with the guys without worries but sometimes you just need a girl to be by your side and love you nad care for you when you are down..... i truely do love you guys and have a whole different outlook on life. it may take me a while to get out of the massive depression that i am in righ now and i may not be on much or at all in the near future why i get my life back straight..... i will give you all a final decision as i said on monday and truthfully without you guys im not sure where i would be or who i would be.

Thanks taylor and AMJ

thanks and yes it was hard for me to say but i feel it is something i had to say. i never thought i would ever do something like that to myslef and would never imagine doing it again but with all going on that i mentioned in the first post for a while and than my best friend and my mentor killing himself was just too much to handle and i stupidly decided to take the pussy way out..... its something that i have to live with now and after that experience i shouldnt have been living for a guy my size as the doctor said but the stranger than took me to the hospital at the bar got me there before all went too sour. i owe my life to that guy and of course GOD. i wouldnt be here if the big man didnt feel that my work on earth was done. i thiank you all for the comments and i guess i got some thinking to do. i really do appreciate having you all to talk to and finally getting that off my chest. it really was a hard thing for me to do because suicide is no joke and many look down on that..... and with the girl i know it aint the end of the world and at times i love being single and hanging out with the guys without worries but sometimes you just need a girl to be by your side and love you nad care for you when you are down..... i truely do love you guys and have a whole different outlook on life. it may take me a while to get out of the massive depression that i am in righ now and i may not be on much or at all in the near future why i get my life back straight..... i will give you all a final decision as i said on monday and truthfully without you guys im not sure where i would be or who i would be.

Thanks taylor and AMJ

Now thats is all said and done......go roll yourself a FAT one.....smoke dat shit all to yourself,......go watch family guy or some ****in funny ass movie...and relax and have a good weekend.....