I know we have talked on and off and I consider you my friend D/\SH but there is deff parts of my life that nobody knows about here on AMJ or even in my actual life now [as I have moved a few times] 20 years ago I was not the same guy I am now I can tell you that much. My childhood was a mess I was beatn down by my old man regularly growing up and not like a spanking kinda thing like full on beat your @ss kinda thing its pretty much all I can remember about my childhood. I begged to be put into a foster home when I was young but at that time it was different instead they would call my dad and ask him if everything was ok he would tell them I was just a teen with issues and they would send me home. It happened twice like this and I got 2 beatings I thought I would die from... no joke. Finally 2 years after that a few teachers [esp in gym class] started to notice all the bruises and had and contacted social services to remove me from my home I was 13. Let me tell you after being screwed over by SServices the 2 times I begged for help before..I was less then receptive so I ran... I was on the street from when I was 13 till I was 17 I got into so much over those years I can't even begin to tell you it all I was a major bad ass with a huge chip on my shoulders that the world somehow owed me something for f@cking up my life like that. It came to a head in 1997 when I got nailed for a armed robbery. Got sentenced for 2 1/2 years in jail... [honestly I deserved far longer then that as I did many things] its there I went thro what sounds similar to like your going thro now. You have to make the choice on your own if this is were it ends or if your going to make a change in your life that will lead down a different path. I'm not gonna lie and say it was easy [I considered the easy way out] but in my mind that is for the weak... Man the f@ck up and walk tall into your future. I avoided the things that lead to were I was... drugs booze partying crime... my so called friends. Poured myself into work and yes it was not glamorous.. McDonalds for god sake at the start... started working 2 full time jobs as soon as I found another... did that for 5 years. Used my art as a outlet. Made new friends and cleaned up my life. Now 20 some years later I look like I have a story book life, the people in it now would never believe thats the past I came from. I'm not saying I'm normal I still have "daddy" issues about my past and I can be slightly anti social... I did however beat the odds against me, and most people I knew when I was young are blown away that I am alive and not in jail. I lost friends along the way to suicide and... [this is going to sound cold as hell] Instead of felling sorry for them or missing them I'm pissed off that they didn't have the balls to change, if someone around me ever threatned to do that now I would hand them the gun and say have at it, with the disclamer..... just remember when your at the very bottom there is only 2 places to go... Up or out. Up is all good... out is totally unknown... its a easy choice in my mind.... I am always game for all goood. Don't wait for people to do it for you as they won't... even the most heartfelt people are selfish and don't truly care, they are looking out for number 1 and only care enough to make themselves feel better, like they are doing something good. You have to do it for you on your own. Just find the people that dout you in your life and make it your mission to prove them wrong, and before you know it you will. Trust me now is not the time to find a girl anyway in your present state you will attract the "save the world" enabling type that will make it harder for you to get better. Get yourself right, feeling confident about yourself and you will attract the right one. [BTW have you seen my wife

Good Luck Man I'm hopen you can see yourself clear of this.