[HTC-PRO] [Update 04/02/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium Touch Pro TF3D2(build 21028)

bro.. that rom already has a thread on this site please post comments to it over there not in this thread..
also it maybe a nice rom now but well see what happens when we drop ATR3 PLATINUM EDITION 6.5


can't wait for ATR PE!!! Your mouse pic almost made me pi$$ my pant. Nice!

--------- New Post Merged on 25/4/2009 at 05:58:42 --------

wow! that is the weirdest thing that you guys are having those problems, since this rom is actually one,if not, the best in battery life.....i say you re-flash, make sure you pull battery out for 1 minute, and hartd reset, than see if you still have that problem.

Reflashing now. I did pull the battery last time but what the hell it only takes a few minutes. Hopefully it will fix 2 other tiny issues I have.
1 op mon does not hold
2 battery indicator does not work at all.

I'll let you know how it goes.
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Reflashing now. I did pull the battery last time but what the hell it only takes a few minutes. Hopefully it will fix 2 other tiny issues I have.
1 op mon does not hold
2 battery indicator does not work at all.

I'll let you know how it goes.

As far as Opmon goes, it has not worked well for me since owning a TPro. It worked well on my Mogul only. Do a search for a program called "Personalizer." That works well for me. And as far as the battery indicator, didn't have any issues w that w ATR. If the re-flash don't work, what exactly does the battery indicator not do? There are different solutions for that because overall, there are different bugs that come up with the battery indicator on different ROMs. And Hard Reset a couple of times after flash.
can't wait for ATR PE!!! Your mouse pic almost made me pi$$ my pant. Nice!

--------- New Post Merged on 25/4/2009 at 05:58:42 --------

Reflashing now. I did pull the battery last time but what the hell it only takes a few minutes. Hopefully it will fix 2 other tiny issues I have.
1 op mon does not hold
2 battery indicator does not work at all.

I'll let you know how it goes.

the battery thing is normal for some people, i myself had that little problem, but thats why they posted the task bar zip. opmon works on my pro, huh? thats weird...., did you set the timer to 1? or interval i mean, to 1?
Okay I have flashed both versons of this rom. they are both great smooth fast but I can not get the intenet to work flashed them both 3 times each hard reset them a couple times i have read like 40 pages in this thread looking for a soultion after the first 20 pages it all runs together any help will be great. Had to go back stock for now
Okay I have flashed both versons of this rom. they are both great smooth fast but I can not get the intenet to work flashed them both 3 times each hard reset them a couple times i have read like 40 pages in this thread looking for a soultion after the first 20 pages it all runs together any help will be great. Had to go back stock for now

dont know internet always works fine for me after atr flash
Okay I have flashed both versons of this rom. they are both great smooth fast but I can not get the intenet to work flashed them both 3 times each hard reset them a couple times i have read like 40 pages in this thread looking for a soultion after the first 20 pages it all runs together any help will be great. Had to go back stock for now

hey try this, go to start/settings/connections/connections/advance, and make sure both boxes read "sprint". dont know what else to say bro, sorry. you flashed back to stock, so that should have fixed it......
Okay I have flashed both versons of this rom. they are both great smooth fast but I can not get the intenet to work flashed them both 3 times each hard reset them a couple times i have read like 40 pages in this thread looking for a soultion after the first 20 pages it all runs together any help will be great. Had to go back stock for now

I remember reading another person had this issue. I think his fix was to reflash stock ROM then reflash this. That was the last I heard. I'm guessing it worked. If your thinking screw that takes too much time, think again. This ROM is well worth that step. Hope this helps.

--------- New Post Merged on 26/4/2009 at 02:47:00 --------

the battery thing is normal for some people, i myself had that little problem, but thats why they posted the task bar zip. opmon works on my pro, huh? thats weird...., did you set the timer to 1? or interval i mean, to 1?

Lordhelmet thanks for your ides!! phe-nom, got opmon working using your method. I read this whole thread and must have missed the fact that the taskbar zip was posted for rhodium. I thought it was for the non rhodium build. I got a semi now as everything is fixed!! AWESOMENESS!!!
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same here...i even went back to stock...flashed and still get error code 407, only works when its connected to pc thru activesync, also my pic mail stopped working now, can send but can't receive anymore?
ok it so it does it when trying to connect to the internet and update prl... "PRL could not be updated. Please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Customer service. Error code 407."

--------- New Post Merged on 26/4/2009 at 11:48:15 --------

oh do you have the link?
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ok it so it does it when trying to connect to the internet and update prl... "PRL could not be updated. Please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Customer service. Error code 407."

--------- New Post Merged on 26/4/2009 at 11:48:15 --------

oh do you have the link?

do you have the newest prl that was released about a week or so ago? if your unsure i would call them and ask them to send you the newest prl update via your phone and they will do so and it only takes 15 minutes or so max by time they are done and send the code out.
same here...i even went back to stock...flashed and still get error code 407, only works when its connected to pc thru activesync, also my pic mail stopped working now, can send but can't receive anymore?

Were you able to get internet while on the stock rom? If not, I'd suggest flashing back to it and getting on with Sprint support and keep pushing until they escalate you. I've been trying to remember what ended up happening, but the guy I finally talked to had me do a ##code I wasn't familiar with, then a reset from there. After the phone reset, we re-provisioned it and all was happy. According to him whichever code it was resets pretty much everything back to factory state, not just the rom.
yea ##786# thing is master reset, doesnt remove rom just all settings and themes and stuff...which is what im about to do that way i can get my picture mail back again..
hey guys i flashed to this rom like a month ago ant cant get the ATR welcome sceen off its there a way i can do that ,i flashed a couple times already but still dont go away .Thanks