bro.. that rom already has a thread on this site please post comments to it over there not in this thread..
also it maybe a nice rom now but well see what happens when we drop ATR3 PLATINUM EDITION 6.5
can't wait for ATR PE!!! Your mouse pic almost made me pi$$ my pant. Nice!
--------- New Post Merged on 25/4/2009 at 05:58:42 --------
wow! that is the weirdest thing that you guys are having those problems, since this rom is actually one,if not, the best in battery life.....i say you re-flash, make sure you pull battery out for 1 minute, and hartd reset, than see if you still have that problem.
Reflashing now. I did pull the battery last time but what the hell it only takes a few minutes. Hopefully it will fix 2 other tiny issues I have.
1 op mon does not hold
2 battery indicator does not work at all.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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