[HTC-PRO] [Update 04/02/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium Touch Pro TF3D2(build 21028)

Well, honest opinion here: I haven't flashed every ROM out there, but quite a few. I used Mighty's when it was in the 3s and now with 5. It's also my first WM6.5 ROM. I don't see what the big deal is? Yes, it's a good ROM, solid. But I haven't seen any reason to crash servers over it. And for the record, the one ROM that was hardest for me to leave was ATR. And left it cause I feel I gotta see what's out there. There are lots of good chefs, and overall, I'm just thankful for all the hard work they all put in, and allow me to have a bad ass phone. I'll tell you what it is about Mighty...it's the mouse...everyone loves that damn mouse! And BTW, can't wait for ATR Platinum to drop! I'll be second in line behind DASH!
Ya know, I was a huge Mighty fan and it was at one point the best rom I had found. But once I downloaded the ATR3 it all changed. My phone is freaking sweet, I luv it, it's fast as hell and I believe this is now the best rom I've used thus far. Granted, I take nothing away from Mike on the Mighty Roms, and they set the bar I believe for lots a chiefs out there. And it is just one mans opinion either way. I think each of us has an individual experience with each rom and what works best and I like best may not be the same for everyone else. It's what works best for you and you likings, so instead of saying best, better, worse, etc, I just wanna say thanks to ALL for such hard work. And yes, this is the rom that I like best by far, but we all share different experiences. Like my Smartphone tracker, it just now sent my wife 5 random text w my cordinates on it and she not even the number in the set up, and it has froze up a few times, but overall, this rom is freaking sick, bad ass and I can't thank you enough for this ATR3 Rom, Peace.
Ya know, I was a huge Mighty fan and it was at one point the best rom I had found. But once I downloaded the ATR3 it all changed. My phone is freaking sweet, I luv it, it's fast as hell and I believe this is now the best rom I've used thus far. Granted, I take nothing away from Mike on the Mighty Roms, and they set the bar I believe for lots a chiefs out there. And it is just one mans opinion either way. I think each of us has an individual experience with each rom and what works best and I like best may not be the same for everyone else. It's what works best for you and you likings, so instead of saying best, better, worse, etc, I just wanna say thanks to ALL for such hard work. And yes, this is the rom that I like best by far, but we all share different experiences. Like my Smartphone tracker, it just now sent my wife 5 random text w my cordinates on it and she not even the number in the set up, and it has froze up a few times, but overall, this rom is freaking sick, bad ass and I can't thank you enough for this ATR3 Rom, Peace.

thanks for the amazing words man, like with any roms there are just some things that work n some dont, we hope roms are 100% but that is never a fact b/c not evn stock is lol,6.5 tp rom is done but i wont release till diamond rom is done b/c we like releasing at the same time so both sides can experience a true blessing of flashing to atr platinum rom.... i dont like doing one then wait a few days for the otther....
ok so i'm having some issues with this rom, it looks freakin sweet and seems pretty fast but i can't get the internet to work on it. i flashed it last night and hard reset right after it loaded , i've gone through it with sprint a few times to get the login information right. So far at different times it's given me error codes 67 when i use pie, 407 when i update my data profile, and most recently it's giving error code 71. any suggestions?
Looks great guys! I know on the first post it says " Sprint users only " but i am really interested in trying this out. My question is..........has anyone been able to use this with Telus phones or has anyone even tried?
ok so i'm having some issues with this rom, it looks freakin sweet and seems pretty fast but i can't get the internet to work on it. i flashed it last night and hard reset right after it loaded , i've gone through it with sprint a few times to get the login information right. So far at different times it's given me error codes 67 when i use pie, 407 when i update my data profile, and most recently it's giving error code 71. any suggestions?

Have you tried a re-flash yet? Also, you might want to check ##DATA# to verify the active profile is set to 1.
thanks for the amazing words man, like with any roms there are just some things that work n some dont, we hope roms are 100% but that is never a fact b/c not evn stock is lol,6.5 tp rom is done but i wont release till diamond rom is done b/c we like releasing at the same time so both sides can experience a true blessing of flashing to atr platinum rom.... i dont like doing one then wait a few days for the otther....

ok i will say my say on this rom and everything i have noticed about platinum release that broski was talking about. first of all broski i would liek to say that im sorry for taking it so far with you.... im ignorant sometimes and dont listen or think of the position that the other person is coming from.... but with that said that me get to your guy's creation. i have been on this for about 24 hours and to be quite frank this rom is by far the worse thing to ever happen to all other sites!! hahahahaha im loving it, the speed and navigatablilty (not sure if a real word) is amazing. the responce time is instant, internet, gps and all otehr goodies work without any troubles, boot up is fast, titanium runs flawlessly, and selboriyorker mobile shell 3.0 hasnt ever moved quicker for me on any otehr rom includingf juicy, mighty, caulkin, bored, and the list keeps going........ great work on this puppy and is def ready for release when the diamodn rom is complete which im down to test still if you guys need it... (have it here at work with me right now and have activated on my 2nd line :) (thanks tweety sero 500 rules!!) but anyways keep up the great work on this rom and cant wait to see what the future brings for this rom with you guys :) loving it bro and i will be on palringo more jsut no more anime talk when im on there lmao.... we will talk all stupid drunk about you sendingm e and jew some cosco econopmy size bags of chips in the mail hahahahahaha omg lmfao..... take it easy atr guys and cant wait to see the responce when this puppy is released officially in a couple day or whenever.
Have you tried a re-flash yet? Also, you might want to check ##DATA# to verify the active profile is set to 1.

see i don't remember even having to mess with that with my 6800 or 6900. however when i change it to a 1 my username field is still blank and it gives me flack about bad username. so far the 0 and 1 haven't made the difference in connecting. i just now hard reset it again and reprogrammed my number into it, if this doesn't work i'll flash back to stock i suppose and get it back and running. sucks cuz i really like the look of this rom.
see i don't remember even having to mess with that with my 6800 or 6900. however when i change it to a 1 my username field is still blank and it gives me flack about bad username. so far the 0 and 1 haven't made the difference in connecting. i just now hard reset it again and reprogrammed my number into it, if this doesn't work i'll flash back to stock i suppose and get it back and running. sucks cuz i really like the look of this rom.

have you gone to settings and used the update feature and see if that gets the internet working for you?
if you mean the update profile, yes with no luck. that's when it gives me the error code 407. "The profile update could not be completed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Customer Service." This one is a new one to me.
see i don't remember even having to mess with that with my 6800 or 6900. however when i change it to a 1 my username field is still blank and it gives me flack about bad username. so far the 0 and 1 haven't made the difference in connecting. i just now hard reset it again and reprogrammed my number into it, if this doesn't work i'll flash back to stock i suppose and get it back and running. sucks cuz i really like the look of this rom.

I went through something similar a while back when I first got my TP. It ended up taking a Tier3 rep (or whatever they call them) from Sprint to walk me through a reset that I can't remember now (it was one of the ## codes, but don't remember which or where) that basically flattened the phone back to factory state including the msl data and everything. We provisioned from there and it started working like a charm.
if you mean the update profile, yes with no luck. that's when it gives me the error code 407. "The profile update could not be completed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Customer Service." This one is a new one to me.

I had the same problem at one point and I had to put it back to the stock rom and reload the ATR .... ever since then I did not do a PRL or profile update and I got my internet working just fine.

I went through something similar a while back when I first got my TP. It ended up taking a Tier3 rep (or whatever they call them) from Sprint to walk me through a reset that I can't remember now (it was one of the ## codes, but don't remember which or where) that basically flattened the phone back to factory state including the msl data and everything. We provisioned from there and it started working like a charm.

When I called them they were unable to help me at all .... they did the remote setup, I did reprogramming, HR, SR, and a newer way they had to HR the phone .... none of them work.... so I did what I stated in the previous quotation, and it worked for me.
if you mean the update profile, yes with no luck. that's when it gives me the error code 407. "The profile update could not be completed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Customer Service." This one is a new one to me.
Flash back to stock, acquire an internet connection, then flash back to atr and u should be good
The only Carrier Cab i could find was for the Titan. Will this work on the Pro?

in the wm application location there is taylors tweaks thread, dl your carriers cab and then install it and u should be good
I am also having the same battery drain that was mentioned, almost down to the exact percentage and time of day it plays out. I do Direct Push to an Exchange server with updates "as they arrive" from 7a to 10p every day and "manually" at all other times, but I also did this prior to flashing to this ROM.

Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, but it seems to be an issue. I also have this issue. I have done the registry edit to shut down connections after 60 seconds. Love this ROM you guys rock, but this battery thing is rough.
Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, but it seems to be an issue. I also have this issue. I have done the registry edit to shut down connections after 60 seconds. Love this ROM you guys rock, but this battery thing is rough.

wow! that is the weirdest thing that you guys are having those problems, since this rom is actually one,if not, the best in battery life.....i say you re-flash, make sure you pull battery out for 1 minute, and hartd reset, than see if you still have that problem.