[READ ME] SPJ T-shirts


I was just thinking!!
don't you guys think it would be a good idea for AMJ to sell T-shirts???
i think that would be really cool!!
it would benefit this web site alot!!
it would bring more members in and it would help bring money to the site also!!
if i were to have an AMJ t-shirt i would really want it to have the webpage of course and the logo of htc with a little cartoon of some of the old sig's that D/\SH and other members and staffs had like the one with an htc touch with a lifesaver kicking an ipods ass lol!!! what do you guys think???
I was just thinking!!
don't you guys think it would be a good idea for AMJ to sell T-shirts???
i think that would be really cool!!
it would benefit this web site alot!!
it would bring more members in and it would help bring money to the site also!!
if i were to have an AMJ t-shirt i would really want it to have the webpage of course and the logo of htc with a little cartoon of some of the old sig's that D/\SH and other members and staffs had like the one with an htc touch with a lifesaver kicking an ipods ass lol!!! what do you guys think???

you cant get too crazy with them and we have tried this before... i made a small order of them tin return for modding someones phone.... i got the green of course and than some grays for the other staff at the time... i made a thread about this and we just couldnt get anyone that wanted to buy them.... i guess if you want under the AMJ news section you could make a thread for people to design a t-shirt and if that goes good we will go about getting them made.... so basically have people whip up mock up t-shirts and than the staff will dwindle down to 5 or so and have the members vote on the design that we are going to use.
I was just thinking!!
don't you guys think it would be a good idea for AMJ to sell T-shirts???
i think that would be really cool!!
it would benefit this web site alot!!
it would bring more members in and it would help bring money to the site also!!
if i were to have an AMJ t-shirt i would really want it to have the webpage of course and the logo of htc with a little cartoon of some of the old sig's that D/\SH and other members and staffs had like the one with an htc touch with a lifesaver kicking an ipods ass lol!!! what do you guys think???

Yes this has been discussed between staff a few months back, not sure where we still stand on it but im sure elboriyorker or Dash will chime in on this thread and give us an update. The last thing I remember we discussed was possible vendors to do the shirts for us...so if anyone knows a great vendor with great deals let us know. :)
yeah same here i will buy one to even the shippin cost much i dont care whit nice staff logo on the back lol


hahahaha get designing mock ups and make a thread for them as a contest and the winner of course will get a free shirt in both colors sent to them and all..... prolly could get some good looking ones made if people were wanting this and willing to contribute member wise since they will be the mass majority of the buyers.
hahahaha get designing mock ups and make a thread for them as a contest and the winner of course will get a free shirt in both colors sent to them and all..... prolly could get some good looking ones made if people were wanting this and willing to contribute member wise since they will be the mass majority of the buyers.

lol im calling nine now, since he is a genius when it comes to photoshop and sick ass fonts....is there anything special we should look into icon, font wise???
hahahaha get designing mock ups and make a thread for them as a contest and the winner of course will get a free shirt in both colors sent to them and all..... prolly could get some good looking ones made if people were wanting this and willing to contribute member wise since they will be the mass majority of the buyers.

yeah its great idea i whil be the only belgium guy whit shirt of AMJ staff and a coffe mock to put my redbull in hahaha

these are the old staff shirts... lol i sport mine all the time...

yes ha ha ha ha!!!
glad i recalled back this conversation!!! lol
hopefully this t-shirt thing will happen !! i would love to bye one dont matter if it cost $50 to get it!! lol
i would love to show it of at my school and at the fire station! lol
i can just picture it now me on a cool bad ass AMJ tshirt !!!!! thanks guys !!
and sorry once again for this post!!!
lol im calling nine now, since he is a genius when it comes to photoshop and sick ass fonts....is there anything special we should look into icon, font wise???

nope its whatever you think will look good on a t-shirt.... cant be too many colors and has to be pretty clean overall otherwise it will cost a lot to get these screenprinted.

yeah its great idea i whil be the only belgium guy whit shirt of AMJ staff and a coffe mock to put my redbull in hahaha


hahahah word maby we will get one for you with your name on the back as well as mini cans of red bull on each side of your name lmao

and yup venum thats the throwback AMJ wear :) i got one in green and one in gray :) the green is one of a kind though :)