

ok well first of all i was not able to congratulate the new AMJ staff in which i have make my own threat for this congratulation simply because the threat was closed lol!!
and well i also want other members to see what type of "good AMJ member examples" we have here
not like some members that register and visit this site just to take advantage of "us"
this great family orientated site!!!!
ok well ...Congrats to my homie Gokuss3 and my sweet hart Gadget945!!!!!!!!!:highfive:
I am extremely happy for both of you!!!
I know both of you have done and will keep on doing good here !!!
both of you really deserve this great opportunity!!!
and well sorry for the late congrats!!! but
my wife and I took a 2 week vacation! and well.... when we mean vacation... we really mean it lol!!
no cell phones ,no laptops, no internet, no technology of any such!!! no nothing!!! lol just us and nature!!! in which I don't know if anyone noticed but that was one of the reasons why I was not on here as much! but im back from vacation and as soon I saw that recruit team htc staff position I quickly tried to apply but I was to late the threat was closed and the decision was made but well hey I still tried anyways!!! lol
once again congrats to both of you!!!
A promotion is always freakin awesome!!
I envy you both for the such great opportunity you both have come to!!! once again congrats !!!!
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Now you can move your own damn threads lol
lol yeah i missed lot this past 2 weeks!! lol i really miss AMJ!!!at one point my girl and i got mad simply because i wanted to bring the laptop with us to our vacation!!! lol but hey thanks bro yeah its all good i will get my turn some day......... i hope!!! lol

hey glad you got your phone fix bro i just finished reading that thread!! lol see i told you i miss out !!
ok well first of all i was not able to congratulate the new AMJ staff in which i have make my own threat for this congratulation simply because the threat was closed lol!!
and well i also want other members to see what type of "good AMJ member examples" we have here
not like some members that register and visit this site just to take advantage of "us"
this great family orientated site!!!!
ok well ...Congrats to my homie Gokuss3 and my sweet hart Gadget945!!!!!!!!!:highfive:
I am extremely happy for both of you!!!
I know both of you have done and will keep on doing good here !!!
both of you really deserve this great opportunity!!!
and well sorry for the late congrats!!! but
my wife and I took a 2 week vacation! and well.... when we mean vacation... we really mean it lol!!
no cell phones ,no laptops, no internet, no technology of any such!!! no nothing!!! lol just us and nature!!! in which I don't know if anyone noticed but that was one of the reasons why I was not on here as much! but im back from vacation and as soon I saw that recruit team htc staff position I quickly tried to apply but I was to late the threat was closed and the decision was made but well hey I still tried anyways!!! lol
once again congrats to both of you!!!
A promotion is always freakin awesome!!
I envy you both for the such great opportunity you both have come to!!! once again congrats !!!!
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Now you can move your own damn threads lol

Thanks bro for taking the time out to write this out in a new thread for me and Gadget. Keep all your good work here on the boards with helping people. I am sure the next time when it open up you be right here with me Bro.
lol no problem bro!! you guys deserve it!!! as i recall you guys and like many others here (i dont what to start listing names because ill stay here writing all night lol) are good examples of members well not members any more but you know lol!!!
hey your the best
i dont care what other people here say about you i still think your cool!! lol jk bro!!! congrats i was about to text you congrats but i simply wanted to read all the thread i missed during my vacation!!! sorry lol!!!