Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

did you mean right up top? im guessing where it says permalink or windows in blue on the left? A little more detail please? I know it sounds a but dumb lol but somehow i'm just missing it?
Its in a pink and white box right up top bro says rapidshare in it

I wounder if my browser is blocking the link i have tried IE and firefox they both have a long link about 4 inches down from the top of the screen in the center but it blocked on both like an add might be? While i try and unlock this image if anyone can link the address for me in a post I would greatly apprecaite it.

Thanks again for the rapid responses its great to be able to sit at the computer and get answers.
I wounder if my browser is blocking the link i have tried IE and firefox they both have a long link about 4 inches down from the top of the screen in the center but it blocked on both like an add might be? While i try and unlock this image if anyone can link the address for me in a post I would greatly apprecaite it.

Thanks again for the rapid responses its great to be able to sit at the computer and get answers.


Try this
look at the bottom of the first post and you will find the link to where you can download from... it is the rapidshsre one.

Thanks dash that was 1000x clearer! But for now im going to check out the new rom.

Thanks again for the awesome forum!

--------- New Post Merged on 15/6/2009 at 09:14:56 --------

You guys have been very helpfull, lol and im sorry for needing so much help, I did find the link and started the download but it stuck. seems rapid wont allow me to finish the downlaod since im not a member. I hate to ask anything more but if anyone has another DL option possibly through something like yahoo messenger or something please PM me.

--------- New Post Merged on 15/6/2009 at 10:06:30 --------

This link seems broke. It may need to be reloaded i have tried 3 seporate times to DL this file it. removed it restarted etc. It downloads to 6.1Mb then dies. Anyone else have this trouble?

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lol what do you mean your not able to download through rapidshare???

the only computer that i have access to as of now is here at work, but for some reason have never been able to download to rapidshare or megaupload....

but i'm able to download through 4share, and others.

the only computer that i have access to as of now is here at work, but for some reason have never been able to download to rapidshare or megaupload....

but i'm able to download through 4share, and others.


what does it say error wise when you try to download rapidshare or megaupload.
what does it say error wise when you try to download rapidshare or megaupload.

http://rs547.rapidshare.com/files/145615582/RUU_signed.nbh and for megaupload i get same message... it has always been like this when i've tried to download with through Rapidshare or megaupload ...no matter what file i'm trying to download...
The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.Please try the following:
  • <LI id=instructionsText1>Click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    <LI id=instructionsText2>If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
    <LI id=instructionsText3>To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). <LI id=list4>See if your Internet connection settings are being detected. You can set Microsoft Windows to examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings (if your network administrator has enabled this setting).
    1. <LI id=instructionText6>Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. <LI id=instructionText7>On the Connections tab, click LAN Settings.
    2. Select Automatically detect settings, and then click OK.
    <LI id=instructionsText5>Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help menu and then click About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have installed. <LI id=instructionsText4>If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings can support it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
  • Click the Back button to try another link.

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer

Weird bc i just clicked on the rapidshare link and its good no error?

maybe it has something to do with the setting here were i work, maybe they have it blocked or set up to were it will not display....

would it be alot of trouble for this rom to get upload to 4share or any other beside rapidshare or megaupload pls. i think this rom is fastes so far for wm 6.1... now if you know of another one that can outcome this one pls advised. i have XV6800

maybe it has something to do with the setting here were i work, maybe they have it blocked or set up to were it will not display....

would it be alot of trouble for this rom to get upload to 4share or any other beside rapidshare or megaupload pls. i think this rom is fastes so far for wm 6.1... now if you know of another one that can outcome this one pls advised. i have XV6800


Yea bro y dont u try downloading this at ur house since u cant there ?And we would have to wai on kaos see what he can do bro and i dont know of any roms thats faster then this one u could try big jews rom heard good things about it .
Yea bro y dont u try downloading this at ur house since u cant there ?And we would have to wai on kaos see what he can do bro and i dont know of any roms thats faster then this one u could try big jews rom heard good things about it .

i see, unfortunately i don't have a computer at home , so i everything i do is on this one, so hopefully someone can upload to 4share , in the mean time i guess i will check out big jews roms and see what i can find.. .thanks
i see, unfortunately i don't have a computer at home , so i everything i do is on this one, so hopefully someone can upload to 4share , in the mean time i guess i will check out big jews roms and see what i can find.. .thanks

Have u tried uploading on ur phone i mean itll take a long time to download but will?
Have u tried uploading on ur phone i mean itll take a long time to download but will?

yes but like you said it takes a long time so it gets interrupted making me have to do it again and again..... do you know if this can be sent via email.....maybe if it will be alot of trouble for you to download the file and send it to me via email...or something ..
yes but like you said it takes a long time so it gets interrupted making me have to do it again and again..... do you know if this can be sent via email.....maybe if it will be alot of trouble for you to download the file and send it to me via email...or something ..

Never tried that before but im sure itll take a long time no matter what u do ,wait and c what kaos can do bro