DASH's WM 6.5 Sprint Mogul 6800


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  • here is my mogul aka 6800 through sprint running wm 6.5. i would like to thanks pdajunkie for the rom that he made.

  • English
i want 6.5 but ive tried 3 other builds and now this one the only difference i see is ram space and smoothness. i believe there is a wm6.5 build the optimizes the htc mogul's performance
i want 6.5 but ive tried 3 other builds and now this one the only difference i see is ram space and smoothness. i believe there is a wm6.5 build the optimizes the htc mogul's performance

im using the pdajunkie rom and loving it so far and hasnt given me any troubles... i was actually told by a member here to give it a shot and havent turned back.... from reading and using its pretty much the NFSFAN 6.5 rom of the mogul.
Originally Posted by hpg
where can i find this rom by pdajunkie

"use the search feature and you will find. "'

I must be a total noob because I cant find anywhere - where can I download this ROM please?
Originally Posted by hpg
where can i find this rom by pdajunkie

"use the search feature and you will find. "'

I must be a total noob because I cant find anywhere - where can I download this ROM please?

did you use the search feature on the upper right hand side of the screen? i typed in titan rom pda and it was the first result.... please use the search feature in the future. also could ahve been found on the first page of the roms area from the roms tab just below the search feature

Re: DASHs WM 65 Sprint Mogul 6800

Thanks Dash, I have been triing to get my gurl to let me flash her Mogul for a minute now, and she would always tell me no. But after I showed her this video she finally let me flash her phone. and its running pretty smooth.
Re: DASHs WM 65 Sprint Mogul 6800

Thanks Dash, I have been triing to get my gurl to let me flash her Mogul for a minute now, and she would always tell me no. But after I showed her this video she finally let me flash her phone. and its running pretty smooth.

hahahahah nice im glad that i could be the deciding factor :)
Re: DASHs WM 65 Sprint Mogul 6800


Did you do any tweaks after you installed it? i have a brand new mogul that has never been used that i just updated to 6.5 using the link below, but its definitely not as fast. Seems you might have had some additional interface changes as well. Are there suggested enhances/apps for it? Thanks for the video!
Re: DASHs WM 65 Sprint Mogul 6800

MACscr, I have this rom on my gurls mogul, with maybe like 7-9 installed programs and it running just as fast as Dash's. Did u hardreset and take the battery out after u flashed?

Did you do any tweaks after you installed it? i have a brand new mogul that has never been used that i just updated to 6.5 using the link below, but its definitely not as fast. Seems you might have had some additional interface changes as well. Are there suggested enhances/apps for it? Thanks for the video!

MACscr, I have this rom on my gurls mogul, with maybe like 7-9 installed programs and it running just as fast as Dash's. Did u hardreset and take the battery out after u flashed?

yes i did a few tweaks but were mainly for battery besides one ofr speed and fluidity....... other than that he had all the others that i would change already included when he built the rom.... he did a great job on this rom in my opinion and it does run fast.... so i would suggest a hard reset and taske the battery out and see what that does for you. if that still odesnt fix the issue it may need a reflash just to be sure.