Need to purchase a good camera


I need to purchase a good camera but I have no idea where to start. I wanted an SLR (The Canon E0s) only because I hear thats a great camera but the entry level price for that camera is $600. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. The only requirements I need of the camera is for it to be able to take detailed close up pictures. Thanks for any advice.
I need to purchase a good camera but I have no idea where to start. I wanted an SLR (The Canon E0s) only because I hear thats a great camera but the entry level price for that camera is $600. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. The only requirements I need of the camera is for it to be able to take detailed close up pictures. Thanks for any advice.
well by the sound of it your interested in more than point and shoot functions...slr's are super nice and i love the expandable features like lens's and stuff....But you can find some good deals if you look in the right places....wallmart/target/bestbuy all have decent prices Online.....but i would suggest stickin to a cannon since theres lenses are top grade and last for a life time....Stay away from sony, kodak for sure, and and some older versions of samsung....If you dont go with a cannon nikons would be my second choice since their SLR's are really good too and they have some really good lens's too ranging i think from 55-300mm with some really good prices......just make sure to shop around before coming to a decision.
well by the sound of it your interested in more than point and shoot functions...slr's are super nice and i love the expandable features like lens's and stuff....But you can find some good deals if you look in the right places....wallmart/target/bestbuy all have decent prices Online.....but i would suggest stickin to a cannon since theres lenses are top grade and last for a life time....Stay away from sony, kodak for sure, and and some older versions of samsung....If you dont go with a cannon nikons would be my second choice since their SLR's are really good too and they have some really good lens's too ranging i think from 55-300mm with some really good prices......just make sure to shop around before coming to a decision.

Do you have an slr camera? If so, are they difficult to use?
yuppers and i actually will soon be posting up for sale my canon 50d which is a great camera i mean great..... has all the extras like lens's, filters, carrying cases hard and soft, tripods, and the list goes on and on.... but thats going to be an expensive camera but the pictures are magnificent.
D/\SH said:
but thats going to be an expensive camera but the pictures are magnificent.

in the end, thats what its all about. I'll pay for quality. like starbucks instead of that swill the army had.
in the end, thats what its all about. I'll pay for quality. like starbucks instead of that swill the army had.

thus why i went with canon since they make great high end 1500 dollar cameras lmao.... still trying to figure out why i needed such a good camera.... sure i like photography and do it in my free time but that good of a camera.... durr dash i dont know what i was thinking