sprint insurance question


well i had the mogul..and i broke it but i guess its discontinued so they sent me the TP instead...how long will it be if somethign happens to my TP they will start to send the TP2?
well i had the mogul..and i broke it but i guess its discontinued so they sent me the TP instead...how long will it be if somethign happens to my TP they will start to send the TP2?

its going to take a hell of a long time... they have a lot of touch pros that are waiting to be sent out as refurbed replacmements..... have fun with the new device and the upgrade for sure but you would be waiting for longer than your contract mpst likely. (unless it is freshly signed which i doubt with a mogul)
Just to let you know what your chances are... I concur with all the above statements, so enjoy the TP. Great device and that's great you were able to take advantage of the program. Enjoy and have fun, because the TP has vast capabilities.
Re sprint insurance question

1.5 - 2 years :P have fun waiting lol...nah TP2 aint all that much better than TP so dont worry about it too much, you cant even put new roms ont he TP2 yet :P
Re: Re sprint insurance question

1.5 - 2 years :P have fun waiting lol...nah TP2 aint all that much better than TP so dont worry about it too much, you cant even put new roms ont he TP2 yet :P

hahahah true but i feel it is better, the screen makes it all the better to navigate..... like in file explorer you dont have to scroll all the time to see more folders and their contents on top of being pure sexy for movies, youtube, and regular homescreen navigation.... the tilt screen is very nice for those secret messages or to avoid sun dampening the screes visibility. i also have noticed that it performs a lot better than the tp on custom roms and its on stock..... i like the changes madea nd fel it is worth it for just the screen real estate...
Re sprint insurance question

i thought the pro 2 would be juts like the pro but a bigger screen, boy was i wrong. It feels like a completly different phone, its so smooth and fast right out of the box. The screen is gorgeous on it and keyboard is great. 3.5mm headphone jack is definately a plus too.

Verizon sent me a pro2 as a replacement the week it came out!
Just gotta use your charm!... and have 3 replacements in 90 days haha
Re: Re sprint insurance question

i thought the pro 2 would be juts like the pro but a bigger screen, boy was i wrong. It feels like a completly different phone, its so smooth and fast right out of the box. The screen is gorgeous on it and keyboard is great. 3.5mm headphone jack is definately a plus too.

Verizon sent me a pro2 as a replacement the week it came out!
Just gotta use your charm!... and have 3 replacements in 90 days haha

just gotta be fly with the ladies hahahah ie got twins that worked there the day i sirgned up with verizon and they have been hookingme up with discounts and other um....... things hahaha well one of the 2 has on the lather still working on the other one or both at the same time hahaha
Re sprint insurance question

well if thats the case dash maybe you can add me to another line on your account haha....i have been thinking about switching to verizon too...but with sprint when i need a replacement its at my house the next day no questions...when im running late on my bill.."hey no problem send money when you can"... with verizon ive seen nothing but a huge pain in the ass with customer service over the phone and in the stores
Re: Re sprint insurance question

well if thats the case dash maybe you can add me to another line on your account haha....i have been thinking about switching to verizon too...but with sprint when i need a replacement its at my house the next day no questions...when im running late on my bill.."hey no problem send money when you can"... with verizon ive seen nothing but a huge pain in the ass with customer service over the phone and in the stores

hahaahaha and i have had nothing but great experiences with them thus far and have had no troubles..... ill keep you all up to date on how there cusdtomer service is in my opinion.... gonna start now and slowly manipulate them into an even better contract and other stuff as well hahaha
Re Re sprint insurance question

check this out


Yeap we got that here as well bro seems to be working with alot f members over at ppcgeeks ,come on junkkies lets hear some success stories .
Re sprint insurance question

well i had the mogul..and i broke it but i guess its discontinued so they sent me the TP instead...how long will it be if somethign happens to my TP they will start to send the TP2?

Yeah it will be a while before that happens.
Re Re Re sprint insurance question

Yeap we got that here as well bro seems to be working with alot f members over at ppcgeeks ,come on junkkies lets hear some success stories .

this was going to happen with me (my keyboard completely stopped working, even after readjusting the connections myself and then the sprint tech tried fruitlessly as well) but sprint was out of the TP2 and actually when going in for an insurance swap, the touch pro doesn't even show up on the list but couldnt wait for them to get in more cause i need my keyboard, the tech was able to push through a replacement touch pro, so FYI if anyone needs to implement an insurance swap, the touch pro 2 is actually on the list and if in stock you will be able to get one. otherwise, you can ask the tech to try and push through a regular touch pro or you can choose from a slew of other smartphones like the treo pro, blackberries, the Snap etc.