Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

Re: Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Go yankess , its going to be hard for them to win game 3 in philly , but hey as long as a rod gets a hit they should be good

well said will be tough for them in philly but i dont think with the crowd behind them that they are going to be losing game 3 at home for the first time in the series.
Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

well said will be tough for them in philly but i dont think with the crowd behind them that they are going to be losing game 3 at home for the first time in the series.

Well u were right bro lol they won big last nite , cnt wait for tonight game hopefuly they can do it again and head back to new york
Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

yeah they aint like the bosox and cant pull off 4 in a row hahaha

Do I have to explain to you Dash that they were Juice. I would explain why....
I know im going to get crap for this, but... There it is, the truth, Manny and Ortiz both were on PEDs.AKA (Roids) Wow, dont all the freaking Boston Red Sox fan feel dumb now. All those fans that gave me crap when the won. All the People that werent fans til the Sox won.. well look at them now... CHEATERS. Without those two guys where would the nation be. Now the Yanks might spend to get there players, but the yanks havent won a WS with roids on the team. Arod did it ( Rangers ) but we havent won, GChef did it, we didnt win. Now im not saying the Yankees are perfect, but when we won we did it with talent(98,99,00) including the 23 other championship i didnt mention.. This is geared to all those BS fans that jumped on the Ban wagon right after the Sox won in 04.( Mark Watkins(once a Yankee Fan) and plenty of others) and that gave me crap for it. As for the Nation fans that have always been Nation fans...I still hate ya, but least you have my respect. Im so tired of all these players coming out of the Roids ERA, When will it stop.

So if we win this year. We are the team of the decade. 2 World Series 2000 & 2009. 4 time AL Champion 2000-2001,2003, & 2009. We only miss one year in the playoff's....
Re: Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Do I have to explain to you Dash that they were Juice. I would explain why....
I know im going to get crap for this, but... There it is, the truth, Manny and Ortiz both were on PEDs.AKA (Roids) Wow, dont all the freaking Boston Red Sox fan feel dumb now. All those fans that gave me crap when the won. All the People that werent fans til the Sox won.. well look at them now... CHEATERS. Without those two guys where would the nation be. Now the Yanks might spend to get there players, but the yanks havent won a WS with roids on the team. Arod did it ( Rangers ) but we havent won, GChef did it, we didnt win. Now im not saying the Yankees are perfect, but when we won we did it with talent(98,99,00) including the 23 other championship i didnt mention.. This is geared to all those BS fans that jumped on the Ban wagon right after the Sox won in 04.( Mark Watkins(once a Yankee Fan) and plenty of others) and that gave me crap for it. As for the Nation fans that have always been Nation fans...I still hate ya, but least you have my respect. Im so tired of all these players coming out of the Roids ERA, When will it stop.

So if we win this year. We are the team of the decade. 2 World Series 2000 & 2009. 4 time AL Champion 2000-2001,2003, & 2009. We only miss one year in the playoff's....

you cant say that cause there is more names thast are bound to be leaked and i promise there will be some more yankees on the list from championship years... i bet boone did
Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

you cant say that cause there is more names thast are bound to be leaked and i promise there will be some more yankees on the list from championship years... i bet boone did

You have to remember this..."Mitchel report" was it Mr Mitchel was a former Red Sox President..Hmmm Kinda iffy when you just attack Yankees Players... So your 2004 "Come Back" was a shame. Your "Lighting struck twice" in 2007 was a shame. You Red Sux fans want anything negative about the yankees but you can't find nada. ;-) Remember this...Got rings? 26 to what 9...So little I forgot.
Re: Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

You have to remember this..."Mitchel report" was it Mr Mitchel was a former Red Sox President..Hmmm Kinda iffy when you just attack Yankees Players... So your 2004 "Come Back" was a shame. Your "Lighting struck twice" in 2007 was a shame. You Red Sux fans want anything negative about the yankees but you can't find nada. ;-) Remember this...Got rings? 26 to what 9...So little I forgot.

still dont mean nothing...... you yankee fans always tell us not too bring up the buying championships and thats all we have again the yankees..... it seems you guys stick to one thing as well.... yankee fans will never admit it which i dont blame but all sport fans do it new york fans just do it to a new level and are never happy. they are spoiled in my opinion and always seem to have th highest payrolls in all the major sports.
hold up inst there a guy on ur team with the name A- ROID

--------- New Post Merged on 1/11/2009 at 04:48:53 --------

o im sorry a- rod that was a mistype
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Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

still dont mean nothing...... you yankee fans always tell us not too bring up the buying championships and thats all we have again the yankees..... it seems you guys stick to one thing as well.... yankee fans will never admit it which i dont blame but all sport fans do it new york fans just do it to a new level and are never happy. they are spoiled in my opinion and always seem to have th highest payrolls in all the major sports.

Is it our fault we make $$$$$$ I remember when we first got A-Rod and the 2nd game of his first season. His 1 year contact was PAID! Hey if you have a team..and a payroll to get great players..Would you do the same. Yes since 2003 we spent money for some bad players..Provano and Giambi. Look what we have..C.C and Mark. Best 2 free agent to get! Now you say about "Us Yankees" fans...Look what you have on us "Evil empire" LOL! Listen all red sux fans..Go wash ur sox..yall fading!
hold up inst there a guy on ur team with the name A- ROID

he said doesnt count since wasnt with team hahaha same with sheff and everyone else on the team that left after the world series... guarntee the yankees have some players during the middle and late 90s championships and runs since it obviously was going around the clubhouse in new york.
Re: Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

Is it our fault we make $$$$$$ I remember when we first got A-Rod and the 2nd game of his first season. His 1 year contact was PAID! Hey if you have a team..and a payroll to get great players..Would you do the same. Yes since 2003 we spent money for some bad players..Provano and Giambi. Look what we have..C.C and Mark. Best 2 free agent to get! Now you say about "Us Yankees" fans...Look what you have on us "Evil empire" LOL! Listen all red sux fans..Go wash ur sox..yall fading!

hahahah we aint fading just wait.... how many have you won these past 10 years even.... the tides are turning my friend..... the yankees are gonna be cursed by boston winning it.
i think baseball is better with roids i dont know about u guys but i like to see homeruns if u notice since they really cracked down on roids every new stadium has been smaller fans want to see homers
i think baseball is better with roids i dont know about u guys but i like to see homeruns if u notice since they really cracked down on roids every new stadium has been smaller fans want to see homers

yup look at the yankees stadium per instance.... i feel that also helps pad the stats of alot of the players on offense..... but at the same time the smaller stadium makes ofr better pitchers since they now have to be since a little too much over the plate will result in a potential homer. good point of view on the stadiums though for sure.
thanks but like u said bout the pitcher u have to be right on the money thats why i give a lot of credit to lee cause he absolutely shut down the yanks in a small park and he has done all season lond also thats very hard to do
Re Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

hahahah we aint fading just wait.... how many have you won these past 10 years even.... the tides are turning my friend..... the yankees are gonna be cursed by boston winning it.

I just explain. If we win we are the team of the decade!
Re: Re Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

I just explain. If we win we are the team of the decade!

not with just one world series win you arent... you have to win multiple to be team of the decade.... one title isnt going to boost the yanks over anyone with multiple titles and breaking the curse thus the red sox..... just admit it hahha
Re Re Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added

not with just one world series win you arent... you have to win multiple to be team of the decade.... one title isnt going to boost the yanks over anyone with multiple titles and breaking the curse thus the red sox..... just admit it hahha

A typical red Sux fan...You should read my earlier post...LOL. Hey if this would make you feel better..We let you borrow one of our 26 rings that you could feel like a champion. Once again if we win this series and more likely we are. No doubt about it we are the team of the decade. Scroll up for the stats.