I have 200 bucks on amazon so I am just gonna buy it there ... We will switch to AT&T in a few months anyways I think so whatever.. Its surprising how much I dont wanna use WinMo anymore haha
Im loving it! But sadly I have to bring it back ... My family said we could switch to AT&T if I liked the iPhone but now decided that they dont want to, to save money so I have to bring it back it sucks
you know what i actually had everything that i needed to paint it...but i didnt have time to..which was a good thing or else i dont think sprint would have taken it back
lol yeah i guess the smart phone addiction always gets ya in the end honestly i just think the TP is pretty besides all the great things you can do to it
its an 8GB.. I might trade it for a 16GB but I bought it from the AT&T store lol I just started a new plan.. Im probably moving all 4 lines to AT&T.. Service is the same or better then Sprint here so doesnt really matter and I can get an iPhone and I am REALLY enjoying this! I have it jailbroken and its awesome
Haha yeah dude... The 8gb is only what 230 in the stores? its 214 on amazon..
So I took the plunge and bought the iPhone 3G and if I dont like it I will take it back and just pay the restocking fee and shit... Its a nice phone!
So your getting AT&T and keeping Sprint? Why? If your just gonna get an iPhone for the iPod part just get the iPod Touch since it has a faster processor anyways
haha the Mogul's UI was so horrible... it wasnt good..
The Touch's was a lot better.. Touch Pro's is nice!! I actually like it.. The problem is that WinMo still shows through and lags and craps up the nice UI .. But I am enjoying it... I am taking it back tomorrow for a replacement though
My Pro has little flaws which are pissing me off.. Does your have this? Like the back clicks, its hard to hit the X in the corner a lot, the plastic on the bottom of the dpad by the edge is raised and the chrome clicks right there, and the keyboard is kind of looser then I would like... I dont know if thats normal or if I should take it back and get a replacement
Oh yeah.. Well it is pretty customizable.. I dont find myself getting bored looking at TouchFlo 3D/2D I havent changed my homescreen basic layout of TouchFlo for quite awhile.. But yeah I can never be satisfied with others ROM's
yeah I have thought about that too
WM is just so... Touchy... Its ridiculous! Right now I cant get my phone to STOP suggesting words on MightyROM ... lol thats why an iPhone would be nice