Recent content by fhirose19

  1. F

    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    I have flashed this rom over the fuk sprint rom. i really like this much better, but i noticed one thing that could probably be fixed if i do something simple... I have setup my e-mail and I have notice that it drains the batteries because it does not stop the 'data connection' automatically...
  2. F

    Sprint Touch MicroSD Card?

    so 8 gb works for touch... does that go with the mogul as well? and even if files cant be read by sprint music store, i can still play mp3 music on wmp or audio manager right?
  3. F

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    thanks, but im a total noob... so one question.... would the 2.31 unlocker be "Hard-SPL unlocker"?
  4. F

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    I am trying to flash a rom for the first time for my 6800. I have done some research and found that neuROM 2.0 5060 might work best for me. From my understanding it supports gps/rev a. so ive looked at the bottom of the post "GPS/REV A STUFF" and saw that i need to unlock using imcokemans...
  5. F

    Hi from fhirose19

    Hi fhirose19, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...