checker jim
I cant unlock phone will not activesync. I have tried flashing from microsd as I stated before gets stuck on grey screen just says loading....
--------- New Post Merged on 1/12/2008 at 04:46:24 --------
dont know if this helps but on the red green blue screen it says
serial when not plugged into the computer and usb when it is.. also says RUUNBH up in the top right corner
thanks in advance .. I am dead in the water without my phone.. this is killing me..
--------- New Post Merged on 1/12/2008 at 04:46:24 --------
dont know if this helps but on the red green blue screen it says
serial when not plugged into the computer and usb when it is.. also says RUUNBH up in the top right corner
thanks in advance .. I am dead in the water without my phone.. this is killing me..
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