Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

I cant unlock phone will not activesync. I have tried flashing from microsd as I stated before gets stuck on grey screen just says loading....

--------- New Post Merged on 1/12/2008 at 04:46:24 --------

dont know if this helps but on the red green blue screen it says

serial when not plugged into the computer and usb when it is.. also says RUUNBH up in the top right corner

thanks in advance .. I am dead in the water without my phone.. this is killing me..
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I cant unlock phone will not activesync. I have tried flashing from microsd as I stated before gets stuck on grey screen just says loading....

--------- New Post Merged on 1/12/2008 at 04:46:24 --------

dont know if this helps but on the red green blue screen it says

serial when not plugged into the computer and usb when it is.. also says RUUNBH up in the top right corner

thanks in advance .. I am dead in the water without my phone.. this is killing me..

you need to unlock the phone and what do you mean it will not activesync... please give details too.
I was able to flash back to stock rom. now it will activesync I am going to give it another shot... and see if I can get this rom to work.. I dont know what the heck happened I think I may have done something wrong..
will re try and let ya know..

--------- New Post Merged on 1/12/2008 at 05:33:18 --------

am I supposed to delete the other .nbh files from the ruu folder there was already one there? I added the take 5 .nbh to it so now there is two in that folder
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I was able to flash back to stock rom. now it will activesync I am going to give it another shot... and see if I can get this rom to work.. I dont know what the heck happened I think I may have done something wrong..
will re try and let ya know..

--------- New Post Merged on 1/12/2008 at 05:33:18 --------

am I supposed to delete the other .nbh files from the ruu folder there was already one there? I added the take 5 .nbh to it so now there is two in that folder

yes delete the other you only want the one that you are going to flash to, to be present..... and you did look at the step by step guide correct? becuase youhave to unlock the phone before flashing a custom rom. and you unlock it will say coke 2.40 than it will stay their... make sure that it says usb andf not serial on the bottom of the screen and that means your connected to activesync.... and please read through the thread, i know it is long but all of this has been covered before and is in the thread to help out and so we dont have to repeat ourselves over and over again making other things hard to find and also taking awat from time that we could be bringing tnew goodies to the site :>

Kaos and D/\sh you are the man's.....
awesome got it all working.. big thanks to both of you I got it all working and it looks awesome!!!!:common001:
Kaos and D/\sh you are the man's.....
awesome got it all working.. big thanks to both of you I got it all working and it looks awesome!!!!:common001:

hahahahaha glad that you got it working all good for you :common001: now have some fun installing all the goodieas that you can find here :>
I have flashed this rom over the fuk sprint rom. i really like this much better, but i noticed one thing that could probably be fixed if i do something simple... I have setup my e-mail and I have notice that it drains the batteries because it does not stop the 'data connection' automatically after it connects to the internet unlike the fuk sprint rom. I have to do stop the data connection manually with the comm manager. Is there anyway i can set the phone so that the data connection will stop automatically after it updates the inbox?
Holy shizel...dude finaly installed. kids got rid of my winzip and holy mother of god did i have a hard time flashing. finally did it though after about three hours of fidle farting around with it. thanks
Holy shizel...dude finaly installed. kids got rid of my winzip and holy mother of god did i have a hard time flashing. finally did it though after about three hours of fidle farting around with it. thanks

nice glad that you got it to work qwithout any troubles :> and why didnt you just reinstall winrar or flash from a SD card?
I'm having and issue with my themese that I have created. They are all .tsk files. My issue with that with this ROM, when I load the specified theme, it seems as if the background images used for the theme are magnified, or zoomed in. It almost seems as if the pictures extend behind the taskbars to encomapss the whole screen, making it seems as if the background images are enlarged. Any tips of fixing this issue? Thanks in advance.
I'm having and issue with my themese that I have created. They are all .tsk files. My issue with that with this ROM, when I load the specified theme, it seems as if the background images used for the theme are magnified, or zoomed in. It almost seems as if the pictures extend behind the taskbars to encomapss the whole screen, making it seems as if the background images are enlarged. Any tips of fixing this issue? Thanks in advance.

you are probable not making them right...... try to download some from here and see if they display correctly.
Well before I loaded your new ROM, I was running your F*CK Sprint ROM Take3. I used the same .tsk files I used with that ROM, and on this ROM, I"m getting that magnified effect. I tried creating a new one, and it's giving the same effect on this ROM. It's like the background is marger than before. Any idea what that could be, or somewhere in the registry I can look to maybe find a fix for this? Thanks for the help!
Well before I loaded your new ROM, I was running your F*CK Sprint ROM Take3. I used the same .tsk files I used with that ROM, and on this ROM, I"m getting that magnified effect. I tried creating a new one, and it's giving the same effect on this ROM. It's like the background is marger than before. Any idea what that could be, or somewhere in the registry I can look to maybe find a fix for this? Thanks for the help!

did you take the battery out and hard reset after the flash? if not than do that now, if you did do that than try a reflash and see what that does for you.
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva

Hey. SOrry to bother ya but I'd like to get this on my mogul. I'm not too tech proficient. Is there a step by step how to?
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva

Hey. SOrry to bother ya but I'd like to get this on my mogul. I'm not too tech proficient. Is there a step by step how to?

yes, take a look below at my signature and you will find a step by step tutorial with links to all that you need..... click on the link that says learn to flash click here below this post :>
Is there any way I can run the alltel setup from the manilla 2d mogul rom on this to make it an alltel version?
ok... look go to dash's or toked's profile i went to dash's download hard_spl titan_unlocker and download the ruu file. witch both are in dash's sig. once u have those 2 downloaded hook ur phone into the pc in active sync open file explore copy all files on my device and put them on ur desk top and that will back up all ur files. download the rom and put it into the ruu file and wait. do not put the unlocker in the ruu file leave that out. run the unlocker once it unlockes ur phone u will be in a 3 color screen red green and blue. at the bottom of the screen says usb ur good.. once u have got to that part open the ruu file ND MAKE SURE KAOS'S ROM'S IN IT. run the romupdate.exe do what it tell u to do and it will start the flash. do not open any program on pc after u have started the flash and do not try to make a phone call or do anything with ur phone just let it do it thing... ONCE THE FLASH IS DONE AND THE TODAY SCREEN COMES UP TAKE THE BACK OFF AND TAKE THE BAT OUT FOR 1 MIN. after u have done that and the phone boots back up ur done and ur phone is flashed. make sure u thank kaos for the rom he has made because he has done a great job on it.. ok... also AMJ is not in blam if u mess up ur phone.. so please read what u should do and follow it... ur boy DJ is out good luck and do not forget to hit the thanks...
Is there any way I can run the alltel setup from the manilla 2d mogul rom on this to make it an alltel version?

naw this Rom is carrier specific.

ok... look go to dash's or toked's profile i went to dash's download hard_spl titan_unlocker and download the ruu file. witch both are in dash's sig. once u have those 2 downloaded hook ur phone into the pc in active sync open file explore copy all files on my device and put them on ur desk top and that will back up all ur files. download the rom and put it into the ruu file and wait. do not put the unlocker in the ruu file leave that out. run the unlocker once it unlockes ur phone u will be in a 3 color screen red green and blue. at the bottom of the screen says usb ur good.. once u have got to that part open the ruu file ND MAKE SURE KAOS'S ROM'S IN IT. run the romupdate.exe do what it tell u to do and it will start the flash. do not open any program on pc after u have started the flash and do not try to make a phone call or do anything with ur phone just let it do it thing... ONCE THE FLASH IS DONE AND THE TODAY SCREEN COMES UP TAKE THE BACK OFF AND TAKE THE BAT OUT FOR 1 MIN. after u have done that and the phone boots back up ur done and ur phone is flashed. make sure u thank kaos for the rom he has made because he has done a great job on it.. ok... also AMJ is not in blam if u mess up ur phone.. so please read what u should do and follow it... ur boy DJ is out good luck and do not forget to hit the thanks...
i like the last part about how AMJ isn't respnonsible about flash screw ups and to read and follow directions....you just wrote a freakin book...haha why didn't you just tell him to go to the noob guide on flashing....haha good look out though.
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