Recent content by hctr68

  1. H

    [NEWS] Sprint to give customers Free Call Forwarding on Nov. 8th

    this will help out people who use there cells for business
  2. H

    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re: |HERM|ROM|65|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23016 | Built Oct 13th | Mani rom works flawlessly spent tha last three weeks testing out diffrent roms had issues with each and found things i didnt like, till this rom well put together and organized havent had any issues with it.
  3. H

    [NEWS] Android on Touch Pro(Everything Working but WIFI

    looks bad ass ive tried using the android program--hopefully this can become a instalable rom
  4. H

    I Win

    in the words o my lil princess scootch!--make room for the winner
  5. H

    Check this Out

    that is a well put video, sick ol burn to iphone
  6. H

    [NEW] s2w Dark Crimson for TP2

    theme looks good great colors Black & Red go best---( hey that rhymes)
  7. H

    Michelle Obama jelous

    gotta love that jimmy kimmel show--that was funn-e
  8. H

    Mexican Joke Of The Day

    here are some i found Did you hear about the two car pile-up in the Walmart parking lot? 50 Mexicans died 2 mexicans are in a car, who is driving? A cop What do you call a group of stoned mexicans? Baked beans Why don't mexicans cross the border in 3's? Because it says no tres-passing
  9. H

    [NEWS] Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone?!?

    this would probably boost up phone sales for all carriers allowing people to purchase the actual phones they want and not the cheap offers. this would have helped me get my pro sooner
  10. H

    One more reason not to be FAT

    that is pretty meseed up-- had something like that happen to me b4 that shit is scary, hope he learned his lesson not to jump in a big ass bowl when gravity is ur biggest enemy.
  11. H

    I Win

    moon walk away--as i ride past u on my kids escalade power wheel to win :)
  12. H

    [UPDATES] Opera Mobile 97 with Opera Turbo 97035541 NEW 1/11

    Re: Opera Mobile 97 with Opera Turbo 97035461 NEW15/10 been using this for a couple of days and it works great havent encountered any bugz, like the fact that it is really fast for me atleast, and i dont have to zoom in to tap on a small link with quick response.
  13. H

    I Win

    hop......skip.....then I Win
  14. H

    [NEW] PS3 Rocketfish FourPort Controller Charge Station for PlayStation 3 Unboxi

    thats bad a$$ really good for the new ps3 users i still have old version with the 4 usb ports and the multicard reader. this is still good to keep everything in one neat spot.