[NEWS] Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone?!?


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Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone?!?


If this pans out, it will be the first time a US carrier has offered anything like this. From this screenshot leaked by BGR, it appears that these new plans will include something called FlexPay, which will let you buy your mobile device and may for it in monthly installments instead of upfront. It appears that you would still have a bulk initial payment (perhaps a set percentage), then the rest would be divided up monthly on your bill. This would obviously let people buy the higher-end phones without worrying about the upfront cost of the device. This could force the other big carriers to offer something similar, and could be great news for PPC users since they typically have the most expensive devices!
See more screenshots and information at BGR.
Tags: FlexPay, T-Mobile

originally found here:
qwest has always offered this thats how i got my mogul, but that would be be cool if all the carriers did it
Re Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone

+1 on that if that where to become the case we wouldnt have to have threads on how to get the phone for cheap or free right now haha
Hey, D/\SH

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this would probably boost up phone sales for all carriers allowing people to purchase the actual phones they want and not the cheap offers. this would have helped me get my pro sooner
Re Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone

lol I did must have not of even noticing it or done it with out knowing i clicked the button haha...... But now that you say it is funny Dash in Violation of Forum Policy lmao!!!!!!