Recent content by HepCat

  1. H

    Time issues

    Here's what works for me on the stock Sprint 6.1. Go to settings, personal, phone, services, highlight time synchronization and click the settings box, un-click the automatic sync with mobile network box. Then go to setting, system, clocks and alarms, time, and set your home time zone to GMT-8...
  2. H

    RIP Ed McMahon

    I've been working in the Theatre industry for about 30 years, in that time I did many special events with Mr. McMahon. He was truly a class act, always easy to get along with and really kind to everyone. He would make an effort to learn peoples names and remember them even after years of not...
  3. H

    [HELP] Pull text messages off daughters cell

    I want to preface what I'm about to say with this, I don't think that you've done, or are doing anything wrong, I actually think, as a parent too, that you're handling this very well. There's a case breaking in Arizona right now about a mom that let a homeless 19 year old live in her home. She...
  4. H

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] some news

    Would a Sprint tech guy have officiated the ceremony? You guys could have texted your vows to each other. All of the wedding photos could have been taken with a Touch Pro, and the cake would have looked like a cell tower. Could we still have the party even though there won't be a wedding?
  5. H

    Bluetooth help

    That doesn't seem to be it either. I just double checked on the windows machine and got the same message: Remote device does not support service.
  6. H

    Bluetooth help

    I tried that as well. I also tried to give the phone a different name, just to make sure that I was making a fresh pairing. That didn't work either. Thanks for the help though.
  7. H

    Bluetooth help

    I've thought about it, I might do it while I wait for my next upgrade cycle to come around again. Thanks for the help.
  8. H

    Bluetooth help

    I've actually got considerably less reinstalled than I did before. I upgraded some applications but I don't think that any of them would interfere with the bluetooth settings and I also don't think that any of the crap that I had on the phone before would have changed the bluetooth settings. I...
  9. H

    Bluetooth help

    Hey, I did a hard reset last week after having to do 3 or 4 soft resets everyday just to be able to use my phone without it freezing up. Since then I haven't been able to send or receive files via bluetooth on my PC or Mac. I was able to do that before the hard reset and don't remember doing...
  10. H

    Im Randy and Im a junkie

    I need some similar help with my bong, I'd like for it to keep me stoned for unlimited minutes all day long and for free. You on the other hand might want to take a step away. All in good fun 66 :005:
  11. H

    Im Randy and Im a junkie

    And then you all say "Welcome Randy, there's stale donuts and acidic coffee at the back of the room!":yes4: I've actually been around for a while I'm just now finally taking the time to say hi and thank the mods for all of their great work.