Time issues


Whats up guys, I live in Arizona where we don't have to worry about Day Light saving, when Day Light saving started: whenever I restart my touch pro or some times just random the time jumps ahead an hour, I've tried all of the updates and still does it, might be 12 one min then 1 the next.. Any ideas ???
Hey there - depending on the kind of things that you are running, any one of them might be causing the issue.

Can you give us your OS and any rom and theme that you might be running? Sometimes, there are fixes in the rom that need to be done to fix the clock. Others, it may be a theme or dialer or today screen or something silly.

If you are running a different rom, did you check the thread on that rom to see if anyone else was experiencing the same issues? Same suggestion in regards to the theme as well. Also, if you installed a clock app, check that thread out too

Give us some more info, and we will do our best to try to help you out, but try checking the threads from which you got any modifications that you have made to date.
Hey, I live In brisbane , Australia and have the same problem. We don't have day light saving time here but everyone else along the eastern seaboard does. What I had to do was change my clock (both tf3d and settings clock) to vladivostok in russia.... May not be where I live but gives me the right time. Maybe if there is no proper solution, just change yout time zone location. Worked for me :)
Here's what works for me on the stock Sprint 6.1. Go to settings, personal, phone, services, highlight time synchronization and click the settings box, un-click the automatic sync with mobile network box. Then go to setting, system, clocks and alarms, time, and set your home time zone to GMT-8 Pacific US. I would only recommend this if you need to sync to an exchange server because it causes some other minor phone functionality issues that you have to work around, but it's the only guaranteed way that I've been able to keep the time right on my phone, and most importantly sync appointments correctly with my exchange server and Outlook, for work. These settings can also cause issues when I'm traveling out of the state. I've just become accustomed to resetting what I need to so the phone behaves the way I need it to when Im in AZ, because it works perfectly everywhere else. Its kind of a tail wagging the dog situation.