Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn
alright im back and i have to say im still impressed with sss roms its running smooth and i like the suttle appearance changes no big probs at all
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn
ive been so busy these last couple of weeks and i definitely have been neglecting AMJ but im back and ready to test this rom out we report back after a day or two of testing
well after a day of testing i am impressed ..the gps is running very smooth with this rom only problems i have noticed is with the alltels arcsoft cab seems not to be downloading the picture it recieves them but doesnt download the actual image. also the slider in the slide to answer is not...
downloading now will b testing in the next day or two right now im about to flash silence rom.. wonder if i will b persuaded from sss rom 0117.... will report back on how it goes
Re: ROM 5/25 SsS-ROMv0118 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu
This is by far the best rom ive flashed since ive started. ive been using it trought my vacation and i have to say im very impressed. there are several useful applications and and they all run together fast n smooth. i was...
Re: Fire Fox / Fennec Fox Ofiicial [New Beta 14 May 09]
well i went throughout the day playing around with it and to be honest i love how you can open more than one page and the visual of all the pages you have open but ..... its still no touching syfire. now if only there was a browser that...
Re: Fire Fox / Fennec Fox Ofiicial [New Beta 14 May 09]
thats exactly what i want to know , downloading now wonder if its nething close to skyfire's speed
this is hot i need to take the patitience to get my phone running and looking like this if only there was someone to show all of this in one thread that would b hot
well i have alltel so i didnt personally install it on my pro but i installed it on a friend of mines sprint pro and he seemed to like it were both running star rom 1.6a juicy 7 is pretty good too