StarROM 20 (The New Beginning) WM 65 5221222

i have done some simple edits. i thought that's what it was but i'm not that familiar with dotfred. i actually tried the edit after your help shonuff and i didn't get any choices after keybrd. thanks again for your help

--------- New Post Merged on 26/5/2009 at 05:54:22 --------

sorry i hacked your name shownuf, there that's better

--------- New Post Merged on 26/5/2009 at 06:01:41 --------

does the picture mail work on this or do we need the fix? i just got mine working recently

this is just like any other registry change so dont see the troubles your having and why you think it is different. and all i ever do on any custom rom i have tried including this one is just install the newest sprint arcsoft mms cab and than im straight to go.
thanks for the picmail info. i went to hkcu/controlpanel/keybd but after that i only get changebackvkeycode it wasn't exactly like you said in your post so i didn't mess with it.

--------- New Post Merged on 26/5/2009 at 04:01:05 --------

alright well once you get all the apps that you cant open together just post a list here and ill fix em for

it was only the calc. and windows media. same message for both. your calc. fix worked great. and i see there is core player so no big deal i guess. thanks

--------- New Post Merged on 26/5/2009 at 04:13:13 --------

battery tweaks no but i did go into HKCU/Control Panel/keybd initial delay change to 0 and the initial rate to a number of your choosing..... (lower faster usually but not always... depends on rom, i use 25)

i got to /keybd initial delay but when i clicked on it i wasn't sure how to change. like i said not too familiar with dotFred and didn't want to mess something up.
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Aight, I been messing wit my phone pretty much non stop since 6 this morning and I am only down to 70 percent and its 3:30. What ever kind of battery tweak you used in this is amazing and should become the standard for all roms! I am seriously diggin this rom! Dash put me on to where the 6.5 themes were and how to change the TF3D weather and now I believe this rom is perfect! I cant believe how fast and stable this rom is! I havent had one hangup!!! Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do I restore the original Titanium theme, I installed a couple different ones to find 1 I liked but couldnt, but I removed those other themes now I dont have all the original plugins that came w/ this rom! How do I get them back??
How do I restore the original Titanium theme, I installed a couple different ones to find 1 I liked but couldnt, but I removed those other themes now I dont have all the original plugins that came w/ this rom! How do I get them back??

So u removed all the theme and all and can get the original huh what did u delete it with?

--------- New Post Merged on 26/5/2009 at 05:27:46 --------

Aight, I been messing wit my phone pretty much non stop since 6 this morning and I am only down to 70 percent and its 3:30. What ever kind of battery tweak you used in this is amazing and should become the standard for all roms! I am seriously diggin this rom! Dash put me on to where the 6.5 themes were and how to change the TF3D weather and now I believe this rom is perfect! I cant believe how fast and stable this rom is! I havent had one hangup!!! Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the review bro ive been on sss since dash said it was the best now he says this is the best and hear lots of great reviews so i guess ill be flashing to this soon thanks again
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All I did was, uninstall the cab file themes I tried and I have seem to lost some plugins!!

I don't think you deleted the original themes because they were left out when the rom was cooked. That was one of my original problems with the rom but I was able to find a theme in the theme section that I like thanks to Dash. I am currently running the Crimson Darkness theme which is pretty hot.
I don't think you deleted the original themes because they were left out when the rom was cooked. That was one of my original problems with the rom but I was able to find a theme in the theme section that I like thanks to Dash. I am currently running the Crimson Darkness theme which is pretty hot.

Your right about that bro bc themes that come with rom r cooked in so if u delete something ur not suppose to thats bound to happen
been on this rom for 4 days now still no hangups, freezes, random shut offs, amazing rom. Battery life is great still, and the receiving of calls works real smooth. im just keepin you guys updated on how this rom is, really a great rom all around!
been on this rom for 4 days now still no hangups, freezes, random shut offs, amazing rom. Battery life is great still, and the receiving of calls works real smooth. im just keepin you guys updated on how this rom is, really a great rom all around!

Is it just me, or does your rom not have a program tab in touchflo? I didn't have one and that the only reason I'm not running this rom right now.
im running the tfl3d2 version and i have no program tab in the touchflo either, been running this a few days and i have had no problems, battery life is amazing and its still smooth, no freezes very happy...........
The more you use and tweak it the better it seems to get. Probably the best rom out there right now!!!

Wow, it can actually get better? I haven't even bothered to try and tweak this one since I haven't had any problems. Well today I found one problem but its not major. The Windows Media icon in my start menu doesn't work. Media player works when you click on a song or video though so I can just adjust. I am still stuck on how great this rom is though! It's crazy
yup still running and enjoying this rom also :) very smooth and controlled WAD GREAT!!!! on titanium it is even smoother!! WOOOHOOOOOO