Recent content by raybond25

  1. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    i saw "the box" on friday night, bc the girls we were there with thought it sounded good....they were wrong. HOLY SH*T, it was actually SOOOOO bad. i advise everyone to NOT see it. The highlight would be one part where some creepy valet writes "no exit" on the people's window, but even that was...
  2. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    i'm still MIA bc i haven't got my new computer kit yet, supposed to be here by the 12th, thank god! been at least a month without the computer and it's been pretty much the equivalent of death.
  3. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game there you go dashy :) sorry it took so long, i'm doing my bio homework, only reason i'm allowed to touch my dad's lappy, lol
  4. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    can't wait to be back :) --------- New Post Merged on 1/11/2009 at 02:19:49 -------- already picked out my OS, posted here thanks to weesje, i'm thinking windows "8" ultimate, looks pretty awesome and is 64-bit.
  5. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    finally got my pc picked out and it should be delivered by the 12th
  6. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    there's a baseball team called the Mets?!?!
  7. R

    [BETA] vin255764s 6point5 ROM

    Re Re vin255764s 6point5 ROM its for the vogue
  8. R

    I Win

    this win is for cam harvey, great guy who passed away in a car accident today.
  9. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    R.I.P. Cam Harvey. Go WCSS Wolves.
  10. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    well if this actually does fly i might have to seriously consider taking a jump down and taking school wherever your store is :D
  11. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    well if you don't make it big you'll probably be doneskis by the time i'm ready to join up, that's all i meant lol
  12. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    well, if you make it big i just hope you'll have a spot on your staff for me :)
  13. R

    [BETA] vin255764s 6point5 ROM

    I have FINALLY updated this, :lol: my computer is out of commission, i'm on my dad's lappy just catching up a bit, but hopefully in a week or two i'll have a desktop back up
  14. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    i vote that after a while you can expand to the great white north and promote me to northern manager, what d'you think? lmaoo
  15. R

    [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

    Re: Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue) updated the first post with the fix provided by NFSFAN for the weather on the home page for you :)