Recent content by Shaun2120

  1. S

    What screen lock is better

    I Like throttle lock better myself for security but s2u2 looks better to me but like superman 369 said it has way to many bugs like for instance if you install in custom tf3d them your manilla weather will not show on lock screen so throttle lock is the way to go but use 0.4 becuz 0.5.1 has way...
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    Jessica Alba True Orange theme Tocuhflo 3-D By Probex

    probex you are the SH** the whole AMJ staff I love this site thats why I go no where else for my phone this theme is great keep up the good work!!!!!!!
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    [UPDATES] ThrottleLock 51

    i'm having alot of problems with this version the s2a doesnt work and its really dragging so im going back to version .4
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    [FULL-FILLED] HIM Throttle lock theme

    is this theme capable with the s2a feature
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    [MUST-READ] My New Battery Cover

    dude you are sick with it i like that red cover you alwayz switching it up on us lol
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    iPhone Theme for Mobile Shell 2.1

    Re: iPhone Theme for Mobile Shell 21 fdoes this theme work on touch pro and if so how do i install
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    [MUST-READ] Please Read

    dash I got you bro I work for sprint iam a tech at one of the store you help me out alot so i will gladly send you one free of charge just give me a address or send me a pm and i will give you my number
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    [RELEASE] PocketCM Contact v029

    how can i get this pocketcm as my main source for my contacts because i downloaded file and when i go to contacts the stock touchpro contact theme still pops up
  9. S

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Spb questions

    Re: Selboriyorker questions thanks alot too you i got it working and its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Spb questions

    Re: Selboriyorker questions I downloaded selboriyorker mobile version 2.1 for selboriyorker software store I want to know if its possible to have tf3d running at the same time wit selboriyorker mobile and if so how do i do that can someone help
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro

    Re: DASHS Modded Touch Pro I just recently downloaded selboriyorker mobile shell and I cant get them to play with each other like you did help me out dash plz
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro

    that was the sh** dash I didnt know you could use selboriyorker mobile shell and tf3d at the same time I like that alot
  13. S

    s2u2 weather problem

    thanks Dash I'm going to try that because I just applies throttle lock to my diamond and I love that app but I use s2u2 because of fullscreen keyboard on my pro but one more question is there any other full screen caller id apps out there
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    s2u2 weather problem

    I have version 1.42 and I have it set up to manilla 3d weather and nothing is showing up while tf3d is active but if I take tf3d off the weather shows up so how do it get it to show back up I NEED HELP PLZ GUYS!!!!!!!
  15. S

    s2u2 weather problem

    I have been experiencing problems with s2u2 weather when I install a tf3d theme. When I use to lock my device the weather would show up on the main lock screen but when I install a touchflo 3d theme onto my pro my weather dissapeared and never came back my settings in s2u2 are on manilla 3d...