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ok i was walking out to the car and my touch pro fell from the pouch because of the shitty velcro on the pouch, but anyways it fell straight on the battery cover and than the battery cover flew off and went down a sewer :< thankfully the phone works fine and doesnt even have a scratch on it!!!!!!! i went to over 6 sprint stores today and none of them had a spare cover to sell or even give me :< does someone here have an extra that they could sell me or send to me for shipping costs? i would really be appreciative so i dont lose my battery and or look like a dipshit since im carrying around a touch pro without a battery cover. even if you could overnight it i would pay for that also if you were to find one at a local sprint store by you.... thanks for all the help
That sucks bro. I dont have an extra one, but Ill look around the sprint stores here and see if they have any.

thank you for the offer and the willingness to take time out of your day to help :> i think my boy 1mrlcb might have me covered :>

I gotcha bro i gotta extra 1

are you serious!!! how much you want for it? i got paypal waiting for you right now :> please send me a pm on hwere i can paypal everything to and give you my information omg thank you soooo much i dont know how i will be able to repay you but i will for sure haahhahhahaaha sweet makes me feel so much better knowing i have one :< just a little sad the gloss red one that i did is now down a sewer :<
hahaha that took me back when i first got my mogul i was putting my phone in my holster and the phone fell so the battery cover came of and someone walked by and step on the cover and bended the little clip to hold it in place...thank god my local sprint store had a spare and sold to it to me for 10.00...

hope you get straight....
hahaha that took me back when i first got my mogul i was putting my phone in my holster and the phone fell so the battery cover came of and someone walked by and step on the cover and bended the little clip to hold it in place...thank god my local sprint store had a spare and sold to it to me for 10.00...

hope you get straight....

it sucks because i didnt even get to show it off the the local sprint stores or on youtube :< looked sexy too..... but i still have to be happy 1mrlcb is getting me hooked up and also that the phone didnt get destroyed or even a scratch :>
Damn that definatly sucks... glad you got it worked out tho...

you think of usin one of them shell casing or armor coverinng things? I mean, my touch pro ame w/ like a technocel casing/shell rubberized, its kinda cool... when I first gotta I wasnt sure I even liked it, but after a hwile, i got pretty happy i had it... had a nice feel in the hand, and i grew to appreciate the slight increase in weight.... but the overall relief was knowing I had the extra protection for my phone....
Damn that definatly sucks... glad you got it worked out tho...

you think of usin one of them shell casing or armor coverinng things? I mean, my touch pro ame w/ like a technocel casing/shell rubberized, its kinda cool... when I first gotta I wasnt sure I even liked it, but after a hwile, i got pretty happy i had it... had a nice feel in the hand, and i grew to appreciate the slight increase in weight.... but the overall relief was knowing I had the extra protection for my phone....

i have never been a case person since it takes away from the beauty of the phone if you ask me
I'm sorry bro but that's too funny!!! I feel ya though, I had just gotten done gloating to my boss how my pro made his ppc look like an inferior paperweight and was jogging back to the back of the store to get something real quick and my phone jumped out of the pouch thanks to that sh***y velcroe bs and landed on my forward swinging foot which punted it like a football professional only wishes for on a good day across the parking lot and smashed the crap into about 4 pieces. (main unit, backing, micro sd, battery) And with my luck being as it is, of course, it cracked the hell out of my screen!!! PROPS AGAIN TO AZNSTUD510X FOR YOUR THREAD. Was pissed off when I was told that after paying my ginormous bill, over four bills for the phone, activation fee, insurance and all that other crap that sprint told me that it was cosmetic damage and the best they could do was refer me to the insurance company and have me pay a $50 deductable. (Just for that being a 9+ year customer of sprint, I bi***ed my way into free texting for life and a whole crapload of other deductions from my account) Then I just ended up getting another one for free
i have never been a case person since it takes away from the beauty of the phone if you ask me

Yeah I feel you on that, especially cause the touch pro is such a sexy beast... That was one probably the main reason why i didnt like it, when I got it... fortunatlly i couldnt figure out how to get the damn thing off for a day and a half, so it gave it time to grow on me (kinna like a fungus...lol) seriously tho... i stated to feel look wise its kinda cool also... but still some time when Im alone I strip my baby naked and just look at her...lol... my girl girl who doesnt get jealous from any other female i know, has jelousy issues with my phone...lol... real talk

Still though, as sexy and stylish as the pro is, i worry about those thing, like what happened to you and scott... and I've come to like that rough n rugged look of the shell casing, gives that off roadin atv kinna feel

But I definatly feel you

(Just for that being a 9+ year customer of sprint, I bi***ed my way into free texting for life and a whole crapload of other deductions from my account) Then I just ended up getting another one for free

LMAO... Niiice!