Re: Updated July 22nd NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs
Finally got my touch pro working on acs alaska. They said they couldn't do it. But i got it all working with the internet. This is a good rom. Been using it for a week now. I tried the other 3 WM 6.5 rom on here. This one is the by far the...
Now this is some good rom. I'm way up here in Alaska, and my phone company (ACS), don't have a clue what going on. with this phone. I was trying to tell them that the gps don't work on their standard rom. I would like to get the touch pro. They never heard of it, and wont activate it if i get...
I'm having problem with the ms voice command. I keeps telling me to restart the program. Also the fonts on the phone dialer is super small. How do I correct this.
the landscape works but doesn't go over the whole screen.
--------- New Post Merged on 28/10/2008 at 03:09:01 --------
true. runs smoother/had it install before. I noticed when I try to choose all the settings, it don't launch. i'll try a soft reset. again good rom just testing will decide...
good release running strong, but it sucks alot of memory. probally want be able to run my media player and garmin xt (when i install it) at the same time. like I use to with the basic sprint rom.: roooox: