Nice job kaos...glad i could help ya with that starticon... looking good and yeh ill talk to you about the wait cursors later casue theres an easy as shit proggy for string editing that i found and modding dlls with it is a breeze (better then resource hacker) and ill show ya how to cab em up -...
Nah bro its online in the shellres96 you will find other images in other around that look like there the start logo but there not, Ill see what i can do bout whipping something up to make it easier for people to do.
well why dontcha try it out ... send yourself a text, delete it and see if you can recover it. the best way to figure things out is to try it out for yourself. :smile:
since your using the touch your gunna need the qvga version and also its never a good idea to install two different versions of the same app on the phone. always make sure to uninstall the old one and then install the new version
Hes right bigjew, there's only settings on it to choose the programs you want it to work for. The only way of disabling and enabling it is to go into you task manager and kill the process or just open the program up again and go to menu -> exit