I don't know what application you're talking about. I looked and clicked on what I thought was the correct link when you told me what to do, and it hasn't changed anything. I still get this message when I click a link:
viperbyte, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due...
It is your rom (which is awesome by the way), and I did see that you removed the ability to disable it before I ever installed it, which is exactly why I'm asking how to get it uninstalled. And I already searched through at least a dozen threads trying to find an answer before I asked, and all I...
I clicked the link and it says I don't have persmission to view the page, so I just did the same search you did, but all of those posts tell how to install threaded sms. I want to remove it.
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07
I just got a 6800 last week, and I added WM6.1 to my phone. It works great, but I don't like the threaded sms. How can I disable threaded sms?
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