TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

Thanks again I'm learning my way around the site know I found the help desk and checked out D/\SHes signature that helped out a bunch thanks guy's

no problem im glad that the signature is actually being used and looked at.
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

please help i tried to use the sktool, an f'ed up, i need to restore the regular settings, sumbody help, basically all i messed up waz my left soft key (I THINK) but now its does nothing besides take me back to my phone screen with the number pad i was trying to get it to say calculator an it does but it doesen take me their?? anybody please help?????
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

please help i tried to use the sktool, an f'ed up, i need to restore the regular settings, sumbody help, basically all i messed up waz my left soft key (I THINK) but now its does nothing besides take me back to my phone screen with the number pad i was trying to get it to say calculator an it does but it doesen take me their?? anybody please help?????
you can delete sktools by going to start/settings/system/ remove programs. and delete. Or you can change what button goes where, by going to to Tune up in sktools! then scroll to buttons... you can also adjust hard buttons under start/settings/personal/ buttons. ! if this helps please press the thanks button.
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

if i erase the program will it put my button back down their??
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

if i erase the program will it put my button back down their??
Dude put phone buttone where?? You have to be more specific... if sktools started the problem i would try removing it to solve the problem!
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

ok i finally fixed my phone to where its pretty much how i want it but i use the keyboard and the slide out, sumtime my light on the keyboard dosent come on, actually most of the time it dosesnt what can i do to fix it??
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

ok i finally fixed my phone to where its pretty much how i want it but i use the keyboard and the slide out, sumtime my light on the keyboard dosent come on, actually most of the time it dosesnt what can i do to fix it??

Also my phone wont play the HTC audio manager that well either, it keeps sayin memory low, how can i fix this cause i only have like 6 or seven programs and none are homescreens, also is their any way to make it louder like a booster
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

ok i finally fixed my phone to where its pretty much how i want it but i use the keyboard and the slide out, sumtime my light on the keyboard dosent come on, actually most of the time it dosesnt what can i do to fix it??

Also my phone wont play the HTC audio manager that well either, it keeps sayin memory low, how can i fix this cause i only have like 6 or seven programs and none are homescreens, also is their any way to make it louder like a booster

bro there is no need to double post you can edit your post and this doesnt have to do with my mods as the title says so post your own thread for questions dont post your question on audio manager in the audio manager thread.
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

beautiful thing you've done here appreciate it

no problem..... its a lil out of dat like missing selboriyorker mobile shell and all but it has most of the apps on there that i use in the video..... i dotn use all these like ifonz and that stuff anymore. never had a use for it.
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

I just got a 6800 last week, and I added WM6.1 to my phone. It works great, but I don't like the threaded sms. How can I disable threaded sms?
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

hey dash great post. just wondering how to get the titan ext rom to work? and what all does it do?
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

D/\SH, I see your reference to selboriyorker mobile shell... I've been searching threads and posts for the last two days trying to find that .cab,

Any plans on adding that to your wonderful mod list?
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07

hey dash great post. just wondering how to get the titan ext rom to work? and what all does it do?

sorry that doesnt belong here accidently added that to the post........... but basically on the titan aka mogul it unlocks/unhides the extended rom.

D/\SH, I see your reference to selboriyorker mobile shell... I've been searching threads and posts for the last two days trying to find that .cab,

Any plans on adding that to your wonderful mod list?

ummmmmm im making a new list hopefully tonight bro with all my favorite apps so stay rtuned and i will be sure to add that one in there.