TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Hey guys I'm new to the forum, this is a pretty cool thread, it's always good when people sum up the best of the best, its kind of like everything put together, once u take a look at it u can find out what the whole forum is about and what everyone is talking about... Everything I've seen here is pretty cool, I just upgraded from my old sprint ppc6700 to a ppc6800 Mogul/Titan last night, lol and I've been on this site ever since... I'm really lookin to get it customized and learn as much as I can about this phone...
Hey guys I'm new to the forum, this is a pretty cool thread, it's always good when people sum up the best of the best, its kind of like everything put together, once u take a look at it u can find out what the whole forum is about and what everyone is talking about... Everything I've seen here is pretty cool, I just upgraded from my old sprint ppc6700 to a ppc6800 Mogul/Titan last night, lol and I've been on this site ever since... I'm really lookin to get it customized and learn as much as I can about this phone...

welcome to the site man. if you haven't already, sign up for the members software section. that'll get you started
Hey guys I'm new to the forum, this is a pretty cool thread, it's always good when people sum up the best of the best, its kind of like everything put together, once u take a look at it u can find out what the whole forum is about and what everyone is talking about... Everything I've seen here is pretty cool, I just upgraded from my old sprint ppc6700 to a ppc6800 Mogul/Titan last night, lol and I've been on this site ever since... I'm really lookin to get it customized and learn as much as I can about this phone...
could u tell me how to upgrade im currently accesing from my smartphone
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

wow that was a very good post Dash i liked the selection...ALOT

hahahaha no problem bro, glad that you like :> be sure to hit the rep if you havent and remember their are thousands of more apps and games on the board here at AMJ so dont forget to check those out too :>
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Thanks for the up to date apps to take my phone and put the new apps and mods on it again thanks alot for your hard work.
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Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

I need help!!

Last night while working at Starbucks, I messed up my screen on the HTC touch some how. It has a big indent on it and now the touch screen doesn't work. Needless to say, the phone is pretty useless if only the buttons work. I need to know if I should look into getting a new phone? or is there a way to replace the touch screens somewhere? I have Sprint and am not on any insurance plans!!!

Also if I should look into getting another phone, any recommendations pro/cons of the HTC Touch Pro and HTC Touch Diamond? thanks a bunch!!
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

I need help!!

Last night while working at Starbucks, I messed up my screen on the HTC touch some how. It has a big indent on it and now the touch screen doesn't work. Needless to say, the phone is pretty useless if only the buttons work. I need to know if I should look into getting a new phone? or is there a way to replace the touch screens somewhere? I have Sprint and am not on any insurance plans!!!

Also if I should look into getting another phone, any recommendations pro/cons of the HTC Touch Pro and HTC Touch Diamond? thanks a bunch!!

look around there are numerous threads comparing the two phones...... but you can get a new screen and install it yourself for right around 50 bucks...
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

look around there are numerous threads comparing the two phones...... but you can get a new screen and install it yourself for right around 50 bucks...

Can you tell me where I can get a new screen? I looked on eBay and found a bunch of them, but I am very unsure which one is right for my phone. I have the original HTC Touch. And do you know how difficult it is to put a new screen in? Thanks in advance! You can imagine how restricting it is to use the phone without any touch screen capabilities!
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Can you tell me where I can get a new screen? I looked on eBay and found a bunch of them, but I am very unsure which one is right for my phone. I have the original HTC Touch. And do you know how difficult it is to put a new screen in? Thanks in advance! You can imagine how restricting it is to use the phone without any touch screen capabilities!

whats your service provider?
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

whats your service provider?

I have Sprint. Just so we're clear, the touch screen function of my phone isn't working, but the screen displays everything just fine. Not sure if it's the same thing or not. Thanks!
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

I have Sprint. Just so we're clear, the touch screen function of my phone isn't working, but the screen displays everything just fine. Not sure if it's the same thing or not. Thanks!

yeah than you can just get one of them they seem to run around 40 bucks
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

yeah than you can just get one of them they seem to run around 40 bucks

Can you post a link of one? There are several different ones and I'm not sure which model I should get, thanks.
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Can you post a link of one? There are several different ones and I'm not sure which model I should get, thanks.

bro any that say vogue will work.... i want you tol learn at the same time so you have the vigue... find one that you feel will work than post the link and i will tell you yes or no.... basically you have to learn to look ofr features sometimes :>
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Hi trying to jucie up my my mogul just got it.I know i late but help me out.

--------- New Post Merged on 7/12/2008 at 01:42:52 --------

You reallly know what your doing and i thank you.
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Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

Hi trying to jucie up my my mogul just got it.I know i late but help me out.

--------- New Post Merged on 7/12/2008 at 01:42:52 --------

You reallly know what your doing and i thank you.

did you read the noob guide to get started? a lot of useful info can be fond in there :>

noob guide can be found in my signature below.