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  • The website is up and live http://probex.ca Mazimi what theme are you talking about? I have quite a few themes for quite a few devices more information is required for me to respond to your question. And ALWAYS must install any theme to device memory.
    Hey bro I have been trying to load this theme forever and I just cant get it to work . Is it compatible with the sprint touch diamond? Is it okay if I instal to internal storage. I even tried installing to device until my memory got swallowed up in the process. Lastly, I have noticed sometimes when try to load themes my touch flow will stop working such that it keeps saying tap here to launch touch flo 3d but it never loads. Please tell me what I am doing wrong as I would love to get this them working. Thanks a bunch.
    I'm very very close the website is ready I'm just fixing the themes again as Verizon made a small change and want them to be multi provider compliant. testing on the Naughty theme is done tomorrow morning I plan to fix the other 2 and launch the site. If all goes well by this time tomorrow. PROBEXDESIGN will be ready for its first customer.
    hey bro, i just got my girl a palm pre and i notice that you can not change the SMS or VM sounds. I was wondering if there is a forum that can help us to change the sounds????
    Actually all themes will be available within the next day or 2 I built a website to sell them from as windows marketplace is turning into a nightmare to get into.
    It will be available from the windows marketplace on all phones in about a month for the cost of a ringtone.
    i'm not sure most of the roms don't say i tried mighty mike 6.0, juicy 8, and juggalo v0.8b and i did sprint stock rom that was the worst. so maybe i havent found the right rom to use the say htc touch pro but when i load them its not my phone. its a dimond i havent really found a rom with no lag or freezes. for the theme.
    Are the roms running TF3D2 or just TF3D as I have not had anyone post any issue about the theme not working? It could also be if there is some weird modification done to the rom? If its a rhodium TF3D2 rom then it will not work correctly for sure tho. You would need the other alienXtream skin for that.
    hey i have tried a lot of roms to match your AlienX-Diamond theme but my wont dont take it well i have sprint htc touch pro. wm6.1 and i install it correctly but i get freezes and land any sugg thanks again
    hi um how do i get the new tf3d 2 on my touch pro sprint i would really appreciate a video link if posible
    i have a sprint touch pro and im trying to change the clock but the direction you give are not that clear can you help?
    thanks for your help! NINE'SICKS said the same thing and it worked great! Thanks for your time and help. Maybe now i can change a few more things!
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