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    you need to start your own thread.
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    ya it's my one and only. one of my buddies might me selling his old r6 so i'll see what my wife...

    ya it's my one and only. one of my buddies might me selling his old r6 so i'll see what my wife thinks lol
  3. 1

    no prob and thanks bro. ya its rideable but i need to get crackn on the paint soon. your bike...

    no prob and thanks bro. ya its rideable but i need to get crackn on the paint soon. your bike and lid are ROCKN by the way! all the guys i ride with have r6's, cbr's and gsxr's. LOL
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    new member

    well this is the best place for pimpn that PRO. check out the noob guide and have a great time learning.
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    OH YA! Thats a rockn avitar bro

    OH YA! Thats a rockn avitar bro
  6. 1

    hey! ok ya a custom avitar would be good. then a sig. :)

    hey! ok ya a custom avitar would be good. then a sig. :)
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    hey bro, thought i would give a shout out

    hey bro, thought i would give a shout out
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    Post Your Pics Here

    well i figured I've seen a lot of everyone, I'll shed a lil light for you. LOL
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    Hello SPJ

    well this is the best place for pimpn that PRO. check the noob guide and have a great time learning.
  10. 1

    thanks bro! ya it not to bad for a yamaha v-star :)

    thanks bro! ya it not to bad for a yamaha v-star :)
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    welcome to the best place for all of your ppc needs and more. check out the noob guide and enjoy the site.
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    Program Memory issues

    when you put all of your apps on it did you put them on the memory card or divice? theres a few that have to go on the device but almost all can go onto the memory card.
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    My New Sig

    Yea, now that I keep looking at it, I think it does need to be smaller. D/\SH has been using 600pix-225pix for his lately.
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    My New Sig

    man it looks great and the placement of the AMJ's on the pills is right on. Great Job! Size wise, it looks good also.
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    Hi PocketPC

    well this is the best place for pimpn your PRO, check out the noob guide and enjoy.
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    Help my laptop got a virus

    took a lil while to get use to after stairing at a desktop for so long but i love it.
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    Help my laptop got a virus

    lol i have the same acer, :) i'm using avast and no problems as of yet.
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    alittle help

    A great place to start is with the noob guide. then check out Flashing+ROMS. Then from there go to mobile resource>roms(supported)>ATR rom since your with sprint to get the best Rom out. For apps, its all up to what you like.
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    welcome to the best place for pimpn that PRO, check out the noob guide and have a great time modding and learning.
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    well this is the best place for pimpn your pro, check out that noob guide and when in dought the search tab is handy. Enjoy and have fun!