My New Sig

i think it's a bit too big but i'm not sure whats the size limit here. i forgot

Yea, I thought it might be too big. I just did not have time/feel like resizing it last night, lol.

Man i love it great job.I like the pills with AMJ on it you damn addict lol .

I am an addict, I love this site. I think it is one of the things that helps me get through the work day, waiting to try new stuff when I get home.
man it looks great and the placement of the AMJ's on the pills is right on. Great Job! Size wise, it looks good also.

Thanks, I was trying to make the pills look as natural as possible. I still think it needs a little more work, but it is a good starting point.

Really creative looks really good keep up good work dont forget to resize..

Yea, now that I keep looking at it, I think it does need to be smaller.