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  1. 1

    Thanks bro! It was a rockn night of beer pong, tippy cup LOL Hope you had a great one to

    Thanks bro! It was a rockn night of beer pong, tippy cup LOL Hope you had a great one to
  2. 1

    Russ from DE again ;)

    welcome to AMJ the best place for all of your ppc and pc needs. chk out the noob uide and have a great time
  3. 1

    DASH's Palm Pre Walkthrough

    Re: DASHs Palm Pre Walkthrough man the pre's flow looks great! The minimization of the apps that are open and scrolling through them with such ease is rockn......... It's starting to look like a contender fo sure!
  4. 1

    oh Ive been just chilln with the kids and enjoying some of the small things in life. :)

    oh Ive been just chilln with the kids and enjoying some of the small things in life. :)
  5. 1

    [Theme] Phenoms Get Money s2u2 VGA

    Re: Phenons Get Money s2u2 VGA BRO, you are so rockn!! everything you do looks great!! its just amazing
  6. 1

    LOL!! OMG I've been gone a while and didnt even rec. the new ON3/\L !!! :)

    LOL!! OMG I've been gone a while and didnt even rec. the new ON3/\L !!! :)
  7. 1

    Made by Thermus Himself

    Oh ya therm! Rockn work!
  8. 1

    man this week has sucked

    ya I'm going throught the fazes. In the past I would just say, ok it's done and I'm moving on, but with all of your guys and gals support and thoughts it has really made me think things out and not just go crazy. THANKS SO MUCH!! ya if you could ask, I would appreciate it bro.
  9. 1

    man this week has sucked

    man you are so right on! I've been talking to her best friend that has been talking to her and she said that martha is just as confused as i am and she is going to ask her if she is interested and ready to talk to a couples councelor. And I would like it to. I'm not perfect and ya I brought...
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    man this week has sucked

    Well you guys, I guess we mark this as solved. This morning I was going through my phone bill and kept seeing a # pop up and her text was up to 1977. I called the number and it was some dudes voice mail. I left a message, asking that me and the kids would like to know is there having an affair...
  11. 1

    man this week has sucked

    thanks matt, i appreciate your input and friendship man. ya, she also said that she feels that she she has lost herself, and I'm just in panic mode and dont know if I can help her. I'm just so scared, I love here so much and really dont know what to do.
  12. 1

    man this week has sucked

    It does help, thank you . I have thought us over, and even if we didnt have two great kids together, I'm still wanting to be with her. And I've told her that I'm there for her no matter what.
  13. 1

    man this week has sucked

    Ok well as a few of you have may noticed i just havnt been here for the last week and i just need to get this crazy sht out. Well my girl moved out on 5-31-09 and moved in with her mom and took our two kids with her, anways she said that our communication hasnt been there and yesterday she told...
  14. 1

    heyy hello 2 all :-)

    Well welcome to the best place for all of your ppc and pc needs. Check out the noob guide and have a great time!!! :)
  15. 1

    [UPDATES] weesje my 3 desktops lol NEW WINDOWS 7 RC 08/06/09 GAMERS DESKTOP NVIDIA

    Re: weesje my 3 desktops lol NEW WINDOWS 7 RC 28/05/09 ya weesje great set up! looks like your running a AMJ mission control center :)
  16. 1

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Which is the best weather app for 6900 w/wm65

    Re: Which is the best weather app for 6900 w/wm65 theres also selboriyorker weather that works very well if you want an alternitive over msn.
  17. 1

    New Here

    welcome to AMJ the best place for all of your ppc and pc needs. check out the noob guide and have a great time.
  18. 1

    lol well thats good that someone is busy at work :) nada here, just secret squirel stuff

    lol well thats good that someone is busy at work :) nada here, just secret squirel stuff
  19. 1

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Suprise

    CONGRATS!!!! NINE man kids are so much fun, haven a new baby in your family will be stressful at times but fun and exciting. Congrats again :)
  20. 1

    [Theme] [65][Theme]Black Dragon 20 with skinned

    LOL look a couple threads back :)