
Theres no real easy way for me to say this bcuz im still in shock.. :swoon:

ALOT of mixed emotions.. :mecry: :intello: :happy6:

many of u know me off of AMJ, we talk/text or spend hours on palringo.. so i feel like i can share this wonderful news with my Extended Global Family.

Today at 8:24pm (pst) my long time girlfriend call me on my way home from work to tell me were pregnant..

Im 27 and i used to be a single father of 2, a 7yr old boy and a 6yr old girl so its not like i dont know what its like to be a father but now i have another baby on the way and i feel wierd to tell u the truth.

6yrs ago my kids mom left me and i didnt think id have any kids aside from the 2 she left me with, but now yrs later to hear imma be a father again scares the f#ck out of me.. its like what if she leaves me can i go through this all over again ? i raised my 2 current kids alone and idk if i can do it again..

like i said bfor im going through alot and im sorry if i spend less time online but father hoods calling again and i need to step up again and be the man i am. this baby wasnt planned although i do love my girlfriend very much, i knew i wanted to eventualy have a child with her but not this soon..

well as u all can see im going through alot, imma stop writing and get some graphics done so if any one wants to hit me up they know where im at and how to get a hold of me.

werd son CONGRATS!!! haha you got your own KLONE son lmaoo...you know julie wont leave you....she bought u rims last yr MEMBER??? U MEMEBER!! lol....you'll be straight son no worries....haha the wife told me today she wants another one too....she barley gana be 1 in August and now another?? damn we both in for a long ride lol
well that great news to hear NINE..congrats...and dont worry after you've raised 2 beautiful children on ur own its all a piece of cake now..besides everybody who chats with you on pal knows you're a great father so we all know you'll do fine :) once again congrats buddy :) wish you the best!
I would be excited as hell bro' I have two little one (2 and 4) and nothing is better than them looking at you with those big eyes of admiration, weather the mom (or fathers at times) is there or not bro, we live our lives to sacrifice for our kids, raise your teach to them be better than what we're doing, and when you feel in despair look at them looking at you, because in those eyes of theirs, you're a super hero.
Congrats to ya 9 and thanx for sharing the story and letting everyone know know ya situation im a father to and i know that weird feeling, lol you goen be strait ya know why? U got 2 other 2 kids will help out,lol!!, but congradz again im given mad respect to ya, kiss the kids for me.
congrats bro, I'm sure you will be fine...it takes a real man to raise two kids by himself and take responsibility for a third on the way so I have no doubt that you will able to manage no matter what happens, especially if you are even half as dedicated to your kids as you are to AMJ....you have my best wishes for you and your family
i don't know how i do it.But i manged to spent time with my kids wife and you guys and of course work.And i have 5 total and my oldest is 19 and I'm a grand pappy..hahahahah but yea it's rough..

Congrats its a beautiful thing to see a kid come out of the dungeon looking like a alien...hahahaha i always get emotional ,because that is mine and i was able to contribute giving a life.

Need advise holla.:camera:
congrats to you KLONE... i have a friend in your same shoes... in any case, if she were to leave you (i hope she doesnt), think of it as G-D giving you a gift of love. just be the man that you are to your children and let nature and G-D do the rest. this is wonderful news and i wish you nothing but luck and happiness for you and your family... Hit me up if you need someone ...*ya know*
WOW 9.... thats major bro... but a blessing none the less... Congrats to u on that bro!... I know it can be scary... but, even if unexpected, its a child out of love... and your a good man, so everything else will find its place in time> Dont waste your energy focused and worried on the negative, or random possibilites, that may (or may not happen) It'll only zapp your strengh and drive etc, which you will need in the days to come... just have faith... trust, in god, in yourself, in your love w/ your women... w/e will get you through... but know... you got the stregth to handle yours, and we here at AMJ got you!... much luv bro.... Peace and blessings!

and Im out!!!