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    spj toolbar

    I say we flip a coin.... "TAILS"
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    [UPDATES] Androkkid 100 NEW WIDGETS UPDATE 3/11

    Re: Androkkid 040 VERY NICE. I cnt wait for the updates and this to take off, I love it. The great thing about Windows is you can have and use programs like this and forget you even have windows at times, lol.
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    [ALERT] D/\SH Is With Verizon

    Damn man that shit is bitter sweet for real. It sucks you went thru all that bs with Sprint otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't have left. I'm sure most of your enjoyment in it all right now is because it's a fresh start and it's new and all that jazz, but I hate the way Verizon phones are and plans...
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    we cant do that anymore

    Well it depends on who you get on the phone, and it also depends on the type of customer and account. A lot of people now days want stuff for free or next to nothing and feel they are owed everything so Sprint has been getting none stop calls about "I want this phone or I'm leaving" etc etc, So...
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    [INFO] HTC Hero Official Release Date (Sprint)

    Yep I just left a training on it and got to hold it and SPRINT WILL HAVE IT ON OCT. 11TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phone is nice with 5megapixel cam... I just wish it had a keyboard... But the phone and interface is very nice!
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    [REVIEW] Palm PRE - HYPE

    Well I agree there is a lot of hype with the Pre, also a lot of haters on a mission to bash it;s name. As for me, I'm in between. I think it is the sexiest phone out, it feels better in my hand (and looks better) than any other phone out right now. It has a very nice finish to it. As far as...
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    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    What's up AMJ~! I haven't been on the site much lately except for a little bit last night so just thought I would give a shout out to everyone. I see a lot of new faces, that's always a good thing to see the site growing larger. So my daughter started kindergarden last week and that's most of...
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    My pimped out homescreen

    Yeah looks nice, I might have to get my TP going again I been using my Pre for a while and my Demo line is shut down so only 1 line to play with. Looks good tho,
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    been awhile

    Congrats bro, my lil girl just turned 5 man, enjoy those times while you have them,, they go by FAAAAST
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    Share Your Best Jokes Here

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    Hey whats up

    Welcom to AMJ! This is your one stop shop and you are in the right place just may take some time getting used to the site. Use the search feature to find your way around the site and read before posting as most of your questions have probably already been answered by others. Everything you need...
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    Besotted with my TouchPro 2

    Touch Pro 2 has Winmo 5.0... ouch, lol.... NEWAY~Welcom to AMJ! This is your one stop shop and you are in the right place just may take some time getting used to the site. Use the search feature to find your way around the site and read before posting as most of your questions have probably...
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    Pictures of Android Powered Samsung InstinctQ for Sprint Leak

    yeah the Instinct is a pos imo as well. I think Samsung has to really step up before I will be a fan, that goes for Android too. BUT, with that being said, maybe this will be the Pre for Samsung and reclaim some of the bad rep as the pre did for Palm. Who knows, time will tell. As for myself...
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    Pictures of Android Powered Samsung InstinctQ for Sprint Leak

    Thought yall might want to take a look at this.
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    free music downloads sites is also a good one, just thought I'd add. be sure to code yur links bro.
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    [NEWS] Report: Matt voted "Sex man Of The Year"!

    Re: Report: Matt voted Sex man Of The Year That's pretty funny, and scary. Who knows what some people could come up with and make someone look reallly stupid, lol.
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    Sprint SERO question

    just in reference to a comment earlier about Sprint not touching SERO plans. I don't know if a SERO plan comes up as an employee plan or not, but it's true if it does. We cannot touch anyone account that has any kinda of employee discount on it or any employee plan on it. And I myself went to a...
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    Welcom to AMJ! This is your one stop shop and you are in the right place just may take some time getting used to the site. Use the search feature to find your way around the site and read before posting as most of your questions have probably already been answered by others. Everything you need...
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    what up

    Welcom to AMJ! This is your one stop shop and you are in the right place just may take some time getting used to the site. Use the search feature to find your way around the site and read before posting as most of your questions have probably already been answered by others. Everything you need...
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    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Not to change subject or break in between yall little plot, BUT HOW ABOUT BRET FAVRE IS ON THE VIKINGS NOW? Y the rollercoaster? Can he make his mind up, I dont know y people say the retire and go back and forth like that. I like bret favre dont get me wrong, but Vikings? I bet the people in...