what up


Been here sine march but havent really posted much. I had a mogul now i have atouch pro. Ive been just doing cab files here and there and zips. I ran into some picture mail probs so ive been trying different ideas from here but no luck. Ive been really reading about the different roms and i almost think im ready to try one.so glad tobe here and hopefully ill get my phone tricked.
Welcom to AMJ! This is your one stop shop and you are in the right place just may take some time getting used to the site. Use the search feature to find your way around the site and read before posting as most of your questions have probably already been answered by others. Everything you need and more is here on the site. Check out the Noob Guide and make yourself at home. If you stumble we are here to help.Just be sure to post in the correct section ( like you did here) in order to help keep things clean around here. We ask that you help keep the peace in the threads and there will be times that we just have to agree to disagree and move on. I've been here a while and have only seen a couple of those instances, we are all fam here at AMJ and now you are part of it. Good luck and Enjoy!!!
Welcome to www.androidmobilejunkie.com aka "AMJ"

You've come into the best site for modifications, themes, applications, software, movies, and knowledge for your PPC or electronics in general; take your time, look around and enjoy! If you READ the NOOB GUIDES and the RULES, you should be able to figure things out. Click on SHOW SIG button (towards the bottom left of every post) for more help. There is a SEARCH link at the top of EVERY page.
We have a very helpful staff here; but there are NO PMs to Admins / Mods / Staff asking "how do .........." because there are threads for that.

Don't forget to hit THANKS (bottom right of every post) if someone helps you. Saying "Thanks" in your reply is great, but that button is quicker.

AMJ Administrator
Welcome to AMJ ... here you will find everything you are looking for and more ... take your time getting around the site and make sure you have fun while at it ... see ya around!
Welcome to AMJ, great to have you. Their is a wealth of information here whether it's already been posted or can be pulled out of others. Everyone loves to be involved and assist with various situations, but remember to search 1st, then post. Make sure you can't find it in the vast knowledge already being presented throughout the site. Enjoy.
whats up nice to meet you have fun be respectfull to the rules and you wont ever want to leave as this is a never end river of knowledge,fun and friends so sit back listen learn and ask questions someone here will be more than glad to help you just take time to read the rules and you'll be ok Hulk!