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    HTC HERO Review By PB

    Re: Re HTC HERO Review By elboriyorker what do you mean dirt under screen? you have a screen protector on there? and for wifi sharing you can use htc wifi router, wmwifirouter, etc...
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    Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom

    Re: Re Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom well yours will be different for your phone than ours so you would need to insert your 2gb or lower card into the reader on your computer (can get at any electronics store if adapter for usb is needed) than when it reads it right click and go to...
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    I Win

    they still have madden raiders and they suck so i win
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    [HTC-PRO] indagroove's Sense 2.5 TouchPro ROM - CE OS 5.2.23506 (Build 23506.5.5.0) [

    Re: Re indagrooves Sense 25 TouchPro ROM CE OS 5223506 (Build 2350655 as the title states its for the touch pro only
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    [BETA] Resco Explorer 2010 Beta availlable

    Re: Re Re Resco Explorer 2010 Beta availlable very true and thats what i do as well
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    [RELEASE] CubeWorks version 110 NEW 28/11

    still reminds me of the cube for the vogue and the touch gsm style.... was nice at first than not as useful since took longer than some other apps that i use like apps organizer which has to be one of my favorites right now :) keeps the apps easy to find and keeps the device looking cleaner :)
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    [HELP] Motorola Droid Questions

    all i asked was if you read mine or not thats it... so watch your back and stop private messaging me for help... i try to help you than you say im not trying to be rude and by saying that you realize that what you are saying is rude.... go suck a fat one ass wipe, last time i ever help you sicne...
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    [RELEASE] Contacts Grid version 105

    looks promising but with the droid eris i pretty much have this in widget form already :smile: once they fix that blurr on the photos with the way that it compresses the images than i feel this will be pretty popular in the long run.
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    [MUST-READ] PROBEX Alien X theme for Touch FLO 3D 21

    same here and he did add the tsk file in the htc black... thats auto installed when you install the cab file for the theme which is lie the seven.tsk, or any of the other ones like for the ladies first, etc...
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    [NEWS] Nokia N900 Launch Delayed

    wow 820 bucks for the device? well at least they are doing it right and making sure all the people that pre-ordered get it on time and the rest have to wait for a week due to the demand... tell me why cant wm and other companies get stock back up there in a week instead of months and months...
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    [NEWS] BlackBerry Curve 8350i

    Re: Re BlackBerry Curve 8350i not sure if it will llow blackberries on the boost accounts.... im know they allow ppc's but blackberrys use a different data package.. and no place will do it you have to learn the tips and tricks as well as have a specific model phone..... if you look for a...
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    Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

    they will have them and thats for sure as long as they are a corporate or sprint store and not a 3rd party seller.... they may not get them until 2010 but they arent just not going to carry an expensive device.
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    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    thanks for the heads up had bookmarked and venum took all care of. thanks venum for the update.... beat me to the punch, had bookmarked but ran out of time at work last night as was going to do that once i got caught up on the boards :) any reviews on the people that have tried this yet?
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    [NEWS] Twitter Inspires More to Go Mobile

    i can def see this, all the social networking apps like this are striving off of smartphones and ppc's. you dont have a ppc to tell people whats going on or to reply to stuff you need a computer ansd being agble to do it on the run keep many on it and using it :)
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    Finding my way back

    glad to have you back bro, we got everything for your tp2 and many things have changed since you were here last. take a look at my signature below for not only help on getting started with modding but also navigating the site to its fullest. also be sure to check out #10 here...
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    Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom

    well to be able to help you what device are you running... seems as if you are running the gsm version of the touch from what you been saying above and thats also codenamed the elf.... is that correct?
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    [HTC-PRO] Nov 26th NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

    thanks jeffie and talked to burnsy above after work when i went over there and so far so good, speed is great, stability seems very good and i will get info on battery life from him tonight after he has a full day of use under his belt.... seems like its pretty stable so far too.
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    [HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

    Re: Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC] going back to stock huh? why not stay 6.5 with the mightyrom? or arent you a fan of the senseui? or you running one of the probey themes like me and had to go back to stock?
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    I Win

    Re: Re I Win hahaha your raiders are worse than my lions ahahhaa and thanks for taking the heat off of us with the bust qb picks..... everyone was calling it the harrington until now since it is now called the jamarcus russell.... unlike the raiders i win
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    [RELEASE] Manila 25 landscape project pulse UP NOW 27/11

    Re: Re Manila 25 landscape project pulse UP NOW 27/11 very nice! thanks for keeping us updated weesje, your the man and have taken sooooo much off of me and elboriyorkers shoulders...... you truley are a great asset to us here at AMJ.