Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom


Hey everyone, I have a big problem on my hands... I installed a new cooked rom i found at another forum... I tried getting support there but no one is answering my questions :bad:

So I came here, Im done trying to fix the issues with the rom, so I want to flash it and install another rom...

The thing is, for some reason with this rom, my device wont install properly on my pc..

I connect my Touch XL and it says installing drivers and all that... It installs a driver called "Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter" and then it says Uknokn Device... it searches for seomthing, and the It says "Windows Mobile-Based Device" and it searches for the drivers, and then it says error, and on the device manager, it has an exclamation mark

I go to the properties of the "Windows Mobile-Based Device" thingy and it says that "It is not running properly because Windows Could not load the drivers" then I tried to update the driver and it always says that it is up to date...

I tried disabling the Advanced network thing in the config menu, and it connects, and installs everything fine... but It still wont sync with my pc... nothing happens... ActiveSync and the Windows Mobile Device Center wont even pop up when I connect it, but it says on the tray that a device called USB SERIAL FOR ELF is connected....

Ive tried this on Win7 and WinXP with no success...

I really need to flash this cuz the rom is really crappy, it has many many bugs, like i have to softreset everytime i want to send a txt message....

Thanks for reading and plz heeeeelp! :frown:
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Re Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom

Have you tried flashing from SD card? Get stock ROM and flash from SD. Check the forum there are instructions on how to it this way.
well to be able to help you what device are you running... seems as if you are running the gsm version of the touch from what you been saying above and thats also codenamed the elf.... is that correct?
Re Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom

Yes, its an HTC TOUCH XL GSM.... could you point me to a link to that topic about formatting from the SD card???

A question, if I connected another TOUCH that has a stock rom, and if loads the driver properly, My touch would connect? or the drivers are specific for each rom?
Re: Re Connection Problem Thanks To Crappy rom

Yes, its an HTC TOUCH XL GSM.... could you point me to a link to that topic about formatting from the SD card???

A question, if I connected another TOUCH that has a stock rom, and if loads the driver properly, My touch would connect? or the drivers are specific for each rom?

well yours will be different for your phone than ours so you would need to insert your 2gb or lower card into the reader on your computer (can get at any electronics store if adapter for usb is needed) than when it reads it right click and go to format card... choose format to FAT32 (will delete all datat on card so backup on pc) and than drag the nbh file of the rom over to your desktop. than rename the nbh file to the first four letters of the phones european name from the factory all in caps. for me with the touch pro 2 its called the rhodium, so i would name my nbh file to RHODIMG.nbh .... make sure that you capitalize the first four letters as well as img. do not add the nbh into the name since it already has that extension

take a look here this may help you:
ok, so I formatted my SD card, inserted a rom and, since my Touch XL is called ELFIN... i renamed the rom to ELFIIMG.nbh, without the extension off course :P so now what? how can i flash it from the sd? cuz im still not able to connect to activesync or windows mobile device manager =/

Thanks for the help guys, i hope u can get me out of this mess xD