glad to have you here, enjoy the site and all it has to offer. take a look at my signature below and you will find many useful links to not only getting started with modding but also using and navigating the site to its fullest. :console:
word, i found your ad that you guys have for blackfriday a couple weeks back.... if you havent gone here guys its great and i go here every year and you can check the next store to bolt to in the mall while running with our smartphones :)
yeah i have it posted here already.... if you bump this thread later tonight or in the morning i can throw you the one that i used without troubles on 6.5
Re: Re Re ATTs Gripe About Verizon Ads Doesnt Sway Judge
prolly wednesday for the videos since i did the review today and typing that novel took the whole evening here at work
am i the only one with the eris... cmon all you going motorola and not htc lmao, the onscreen is great and take a look ast my review in the review area from the articles tab up top.... got all the details on what i tihnk of the device.
Re: Re Re Person Above Me Game
i am special thats for sure, special in a good way that you all love and you cant deny that lmao... and im glad that the person above me decided to be part of the site and make her home here.
Re: Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Ga
thats true and finally got done typing up an essay of a review for the droid eris... i hope it helps some people on the edge for getting one or not :) videos will be coming up around wednesday or so im hoping.
Well, as many know I have been given the opportunity to test the HTC Droid Eris for CNET. This is my review of the device after I have tinkered with it for just over a week officially. (thanks CNET!) If there is an area that you would like to know more about feel free to respond in this thread...
Re: Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game
dash has the bubblegum kush right now... shhhhh dont tell anybody that i smoked some on my break at the work hahahaha
Re: Re Can Droid Phones Take Care of Business
i got the droid eris through verizon which isnt motorola like the droid with the slideout but it is the htc version and is the verizon version of the hero but slightly slimer.
Re: [APP] [17/11/2009] fixOperaFlashPlayer v1116
you need to tell us the error ofr us to be able to help you... also make sure you have .NET compact framework 3.5 installed on your device