Search results

  1. C

    [RELEASE] Indiana Jones and the Lost Puzzles v10

    Requirements: WM5,WM6,WM6.1 WVGA Overview: Follow Indiana Jones to ancient ruins to solve puzzles and uncover forgotten treasures! Indiana Jones and the Lost Puzzles introduces an original puzzle mechanic that is easy to pick up, breeze to control, and fun to play. Connect tiles of same color to...
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    [UPDATES] Filter Rules for SMS 31 29/11

    Re Filter Rules for SMS 31 29/11 bump bump new releas added grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] Brick Breaker Revolution v10 WVGA

    Requirements: WM5,WM6,WM6.1,WM6.5 WVGA Overview: Get blown away by stunning graphics, infinite levels, insane power ups, secret bonus levels, epic boss battles and more! Four amazing game modes deliver endless excitement: Revolution, Classic, Time Attack and Infinite Mode! Power-ups include...
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    [UPDATES] Namco Galaga v110 WVGA 29/11

    Re Namco Galaga v110 WVGA 29/11 bump bump new releas added enjoy grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    TCMP Core Player (Diamond ONLY)

    Re TCMP Core Player (Diamond ONLY thread moved to vip section since this is now freeware GRTZ CYBER WEESJE SENIOR ADMIN@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] Call Of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2 WVGA v10 29/11

    Re Call Of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2 WVGA v10 29/11 bump bump new releas added enjoy hit that thanks grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [HELP] Motorola Droid Questions

    Re Motorola Droid Questions np bro you now i got your back and il keep a look out whe dont need rude members on AMJ GRTZ CYBER WEESJE SENIOR ADMIN@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] MSkip ProPlus Elegance for Spb Mobile Shell 351 (QVGA WQVGA VGA and WVGA

    Re MSkip ProPlus Elegance for Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 351 (QVGA WQVGA VGA and WVG Suitable for need to change wallpaper size Resolution 960 x 748. This is original resolution, maybe full version of Selboriyorker 3.0 can use this resolution, 960 x 640 resolution should be better...
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    [UPDATES] Astraware My Little Tank v114 VGA WVGA 28/11

    Re Astraware My Little Tank v114 VGA WVGA 28/11 bump bump new releas added grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] ContactFlow android

    Re ContactFlow android yeah il keep a look out for that premium one ads suck GRTZ CYBER WEESJE SENIOR ADMIN@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] Contacts Grid version 105

    Re Contacts Grid version 105 he bro thanks for the feedback and yes just like the img above contacts pic are blurry they need to work on that hopefull next update GRTZ CYBER WEESJE SENIOR ADMIN@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] ContactFlow android

    Re ContactFlow android THANKS for the feedback so why thit you request it lol maybey needs update GRTZ CYBER WEESJE SENIOR ADMIN@AMJ
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    [UPDATES] veeTweets video Twitter v11 (Freeware NEW 28/11

    Re veeTweets video Twitter v11 (Freeware NEW 28/11 bump bump new releas added grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [UPDATES] twidroid PRO for twitter 276 new 28/11 PRO 3BETA 5

    Re twidroid PRO for twitter 276 new 28/11 PRO 3BETA 5 bump bump added beta5 of new pro30 coming 3.1 grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [UPDATES] Flying Aces v151 NEW 28/11

    Re Flying Aces v151 NEW 28/11 bump bump new releas added grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [HELP] Motorola Droid Questions

    Re Motorola Droid Questions hi yes but review some are realy different then dash he is strate to the point while ohters talk crap or dont point out where theres need for inprovement to me dash is king of review bro he has even done review for cnet not to mention honderds here and on his...
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    [RELEASE] CubeWorks version 110 NEW 28/11

    Re CubeWorks version 20 NEW 28/11 bump bump new releas added grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] Pure messenger widget version 113 NEW 28/11

    Re Pure messenger widget version 113 NEW 28/11 bump bump new releas added grtz cyber weesje senior admin@AMJ
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    [REQ] request thread for apps games android

    Re Re request thread for apps games android He bro the last one il put on my list ALREADY POSTED HERE GRTZ CYBER WEESJE SENIOR ADMIN@AMJ
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    [RELEASE] Contacts Grid version 105

    Contacts Grid Displays your contact icons in a grid for quick access - visual speed dial! Choose: * who to show, label displayed * short/long click actions: view contact, call, SMS * # of rows/columns for each display mode Please rate, and let me know if you have a better icon! :) Update...