[RELEASE] MSkip ProPlus Elegance for Spb Mobile Shell 351 (QVGA WQVGA VGA and WVGA


Hi guys i take no credit for this found here


MSkip ProPlus Elegance for Mobile Shell 3.5
Contains the following:
* 7 selectable Lifestyle screens instead of the standard 3* PLUS a 3 button menu on the Pro and Lifestyle Screens on Portrait Mode
* PLUS an extra favourites (contacts) screen (click on contacts and then swipe your finger on the screen to the left to bring up the extra screen), this screen is fully customizable and you can swipe off the second favourites screen.
* PLUS I added a 9th panel in the Selboriyorker Menu Screen called Selboriyorker Menus which contains 10 selboriyorker mobile shell shortcuts that can be selected as application links to be placed on the screen if desired.
* PLUS The screens can be continously scrolled now in portrait AND landscape mode so you can go from screen 7 straight to screen 1 with a single left swipe
* PLUS I added a Bar at the bottom (just above the MenuBar) which you can use to select exactly which screen you want to jump to without having to scroll through all the screens to get there
* PLUS Pro Screen enabled as default (can be turned off in the settings)
* PLUS the recycle bin at the bottom has been deleted as it serves no purpose

The naked version has NO widgets as they all have to be redone to make them compatable with Mobile Shell 3.5. I will update the cabs as soon as I do the widgets.

Download Links (xda isnt letting me upload to here sorry):



Note (Changing Custom Backgrounds on Pro Screen and other screens):
To change the Pro Background, rename the file to qa_fundotela.dat and copy to Selboriyorker Mobile Shell folder.
To change Background on the other screen (except Lifestyle and Pro) rename the file to qa_fundotela2.dat and copy to Selboriyorker Mobile Shell folder.
Always restart Mobile Shell after copying for it to take affect.

Do the following to make your own custom background dat file.
1. Rename any of the custom backgrounds in the zip file to qa_fundotela.zip
2. Unzip to a folder using the password: b0fm18zq
3. Make 2 backgrounds to use as follows:
For QVGA version (240x400 saved as Background.bmp and 400x240 saved as BackgroundL.bmp)
For VGA version (480x800 saved as Background.bmp and 800x480 saved as BackgroundL.bmp)
4. Move the 2 new background files into the folder you made in step2 (overwriting the originals)
5. Zip the 3 files back up with password protection (using password: b0fm18zq)
6. Rename the new file to qa_fundotela.dat (for pro screen) or qa_fundotela2.dat (for all others) and copy to your Selboriyorker Mobile Shell folder on your phone (overwriting the original)
7. Soft Reset your phone


Note 1: You might have trouble changing the background on the lifestyle screen. A solution provided by degavi is to first select the image you want then go in to the selboriyorker mobile shell folder and delete the background.dat file. Restart mobile shell and your desired image will appear.

Note 2: To Backup your screens layout for future restoration. Using a Registry Editor export the (HKLM, Software, Selboriyorker Software House 2, Selboriyorker Mobile Shell, Widgets) Folder. It will back up all 7 screens and your selboriyorker favorites contacts. BEFORE restoring your registry backup, delete the previous registry folder so there is no chance of anything being left that could interefere with your restoration.

If you enjoy using anything that I have created please consider making a donation even if its a very small amount. I have spent ALOT of time on this project so appreciation of my work is very welcome.

13th November 2009 (VGA/WVGA ONLY)
+ QVGA version fully updated for compatability with Mobile Shell 3.5.1
+ Added Diamond White and Black Digital Clocks (Small)
+ Added 1 pixel wide black frame around Picture Frame1 so full screen size goes upto edges
+ Fixed all weather widgets to be compatable with MS3.5.1
+ Added 1 pixel wide black frame around Picture Frame1 so full screen size goes upto edges
Enjoy :D

1. Uninstall any extra cabs or addons you have installed for Selboriyorker Mobile Shell
2. Uninstall Selboriyorker Mobile Shell and soft reset your device
3. Install the latest version of Selboriyorker Mobile Shell (current version is 3.5.1)
4. Install ProPlus Basic or Ultimate to device memory (same as MS3 in installed)
5. After installations completes, soft reset your device
6. Job done. Congratulations you have now expanded the potential of Mobile Shell

or Mirror


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Re: MSkip ProPlus Elegance for Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 35 (QVGA WQVGA VGA and WVGA

yeah...i tried it out . imo it actually limits mobileshell 3.5 instead enhancing it. i'll wait a while before i try it again.
hi guys. Im running a touch pro with the current selboriyorker mobile shell 3.5. Here is my dilemma. I want to change the background but everytime i cahnge to background with my own pictures, the pictures dont fit. It's always stretched out. I know i can change the background if i was to use this mskip proplus elegance program but i really dont want too. The stock selboriyorker mobile shell 3.5 is good enough for me. I just wanted to change the backgrounds and make the photos fit. Well any help is appreciated. tahnks guys.
Re MSkip ProPlus Elegance for Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 351 (QVGA WQVGA VGA and WVG

hi guys. Im running a touch pro with the current selboriyorker mobile shell 3.5. Here is my dilemma. I want to change the background but everytime i cahnge to background with my own pictures, the pictures dont fit. It's always stretched out. I know i can change the background if i was to use this mskip proplus elegance program but i really dont want too. The stock selboriyorker mobile shell 3.5 is good enough for me. I just wanted to change the backgrounds and make the photos fit. Well any help is appreciated. tahnks guys.

Suitable for VGA.you need to change wallpaper size

Resolution 960 x 748. This is original resolution, maybe full version of Selboriyorker 3.0 can use this resolution, 960 x 640 resolution should be better you have to play whit it a bit some pics do change and by the way the this has nothing to do whit the topic lol but here is a link to selboriyorker section since whe have few wallpaper threads

PS 3.5.1 Selboriyorker IS OUT
