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    Its been a minute Im Lost Help

    MY GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! DASHY POOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BIG JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!! Hey sweetie!! I know you miss going at with me! ICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! I've been HORRIBLE Ice Man! You guys were supposed to protect me & you let me get involved with an IDIOT from AMJ...
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    [Theme] BJs S2U2 (thank u PROBEX)

    Very nice Big Jew... Looks like nothing has changed lol... Wish probex did stuff for girls and PINK! lol
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    Its been a minute Im Lost Help

    Thanks Kaos!! That worked perfectly!
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    Its been a minute Im Lost Help

    Thanks for the quick reply. I don't think I've had the opportunity to meet you so ... greetings... I already know how to do all the stuff in your signature. The new format is kicking my butt! Having a hard time getting around is all. Nothing looks the same! Nonetheless, I'm going to just...
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    Its been a minute Im Lost Help

    Ok guys, I've been gone for a minute but I'm back & I swear I'm lost! Can somebody (Dash or elboriyorker) or any one of my old buddies hit me up & help steer me the right way please. I feel like a newbie all over again!
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    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

    Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help I'm with you Iceman. I've had the Iphone, Mogul, HTC Touch & the HTC Diamond & yes even the Samsung Instinct. They all have their pros & cons but I really love the new Iphone. I didn't think I could ever like another phone bettern than the Mogul but...
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    se-X-y By PROBEX

    I'm officially a fan Probex! Your work is so clean. *looking round for the theme request section*....
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    Humming Bird in the Forest theme

    Very nice Doc! Been a long time! Glad to see you're still around.
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    SPJ Official Raffle Thread

    Re: Idea For AMJ I think it's a great idea! I want a touch pro but seeing how i'm testing my financial limits with all my gadgets...I have to wait to purchase it.
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    whats really going on

    Welcome to AMJ!!
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    Tried to add you on myspace. Its says I have to be your friend or know you personally.

    Tried to add you on myspace. Its says I have to be your friend or know you personally.
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    Is my diamond bricked

    I can't BELIEVE nobody could help my baby!! Now I have to use my Mogul until sprint sends him his replacement Diamond so I can get my Diamond back from him!! BOOOOOOO!!! Just joking, I know u guys tried. Told him to send the phone to Dash modd for him. We wouldnt' be in this predicament dammit!
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    Im back

    I miss you too baby... Can't wait to hit the big Atl next weekend. And I promise we're gonna have a ball when I see you come back down Friday! Love you baby!!
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    [NEWS] Oj simpson found guilty

    Well...O.J. has to be the biggest Dummy on the planet. I would say more but I don't want to "offend" anybody. People get testy when you talk about O.J. for some reason. But in my "Fred Sanford Voice" ~*YOU BIG DUMMY* lol
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    Im back

    lol Broski...Nobody can give a welcome back like you! Actually, I sent you AND Big Jew a message on Myspace but y'all never hit me back!! *STABZ*
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    g-sensor diamond app

    I don't want to high jack this thread but your sig is OFF THE CHAIN Big Jew! Probe X did a great job!
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    Im back

    lol I see y'all are still crazy round these parts! It's so good to be back!
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    Diamond battery life

    Thanks for the link Mike
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    Diamond battery life

    I can only speak for myself. The battery life on the Diamond SUCKS to me. I hear the Pro's life is much better but I don't have it yet. Hope this helps.
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    [NEW] new touch pro user here

    Wow...didn't even know the Pro was out yet. I'm supposed to be getting a hook up on the Pro pretty soon. But I think imma wait for the HD. Congrats on your Pro. How do you like it?