Is my diamond bricked


I flashed jucy rom and everything went well.. wheni did a reset phone is now stuck in a power up loop, tried to get it to bootloader but no luck, not sure if i am doing it right.. Anyone have any ideas?
I flashed jucy rom and everything went well.. wheni did a reset phone is now stuck in a power up loop, tried to get it to bootloader but no luck, not sure if i am doing it right.. Anyone have any ideas?
I really hope you ran the UNLOCKER before you ran the RUU (ROMUtilityUpdate.exe). If you didn't run the unlocker, you may have bricked it!
Yeah i ran the unlocker first..Phone ran great at first untill i reset it..Big jew how do you get it to go into the bootloader?
Yeah i ran the unlocker first..Phone ran great at first untill i reset it..Big jew how do you get it to go into the bootloader?

when the htc screen comes up with the red writing does it have anything next to the R: ????
Sup dash man i cant get that far i only get the touch diamond screen i know what your talking about but i dont see that anymore..

--------- New Post Merged on 7/10/2008 at 08:16:32 --------

I can do a hard reset and i use to to get it go to the bootloader before this happen..
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Sup dash man i cant get that far i only get the touch diamond screen i know what your talking about but i dont see that anymore..

--------- New Post Merged on 7/10/2008 at 08:16:32 --------

I can do a hard reset and i use to to get it go to the bootloader before this happen..

mmmmmmmmm so you tried pressing and holding the power button and the up and down volume buttons while pressing the d-pad and soft resetting........ i know i needed three arms to do it :<
Thanks dash i tried everything, using my girls diamond right now untill sprint sends me another one should have it monday..
Thanks dash i tried everything, using my girls diamond right now untill sprint sends me another one should have it monday..

weird luck there bro dont know why it would poo out of nowhere........ ill be getting my new diamond soon in the mail since my 4 gig internal memory got corrupted and wont frormat :<
I can't BELIEVE nobody could help my baby!! Now I have to use my Mogul until sprint sends him his replacement Diamond so I can get my Diamond back from him!! BOOOOOOO!!! Just joking, I know u guys tried. Told him to send the phone to Dash modd for him. We wouldnt' be in this predicament dammit!
yeah i edited the post.. lol.. i wouldn't do that for no reason lol... anyway i tried that .cab and during the hard reset i dropped my phone out of the charger and it splattered everywhere (battery one way, the phone the other, and the back cover went somewhere) ;(... been happening a lot lately don't know why but don't want that happening... anyway the problem was....

the phone would not turn on after the fall.. the power button did not work.. i charged it and ball wouldn't light up... i mean everything i did... it did not work.. like if it was just bricked... i was so sad and in the middle of pressin post.. the darn phone decides ok i'm gonna start working.. i almost cried... lol. (not really but yeah) was hella sad... omg it works now.. hopefully it doesn't happen again... but my back piece is not sticking on like it used too.. but o well probably from all the falls... anyway.. thanks for the fast response guys...