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  1. S

    g-sensor diamond app

    Thanks Big Jew.
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    g-sensor diamond app

    I'm so slow. Don't know how to use mine dammit!
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] BiG JeWs ScreeNiez 10/2/08 (HTC DIAMOND)

    Gosh! I love this! Do a video Big Jew!!!
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    Nice video Dash. I want to get my Diamond all "pink"...hope something is around here! Are you modding Diamonds for a fee?
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    Im back

    Thanks for the welcome back guys! I feel like a NOOB all over again! The site looks amazing & i'm trying to figure things out so bear with a sista! lol I see you over there looking MARVELOUS mkyla (I know i jacked your name up my sista lol)
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    Girly Theme

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for thinking of us ladies Mike.
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    [Theme] Diane's Pink Overload

    Re: Dianes Pink Overload You still haven't lost your touch Diane!! I'm still a HUGE FAN! You KNOW I LOVE PINK!! And this is perfect!! As usual!
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    HELLO Everybody

    Hey Dashypooooo!!!!! Guess what..I put my mogul down for the HTC DIAMOND..
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    TouchFlo 3-D Themes

    Wow...these will look great on my diamond.
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    HELLO Everybody

    Welcome!! You will love it here!!
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    Im back

    Just wanted to take a few moments to let everyone know i'm back. I missed everyone!! I can't believe all the people who reached out to me while I was gone. I'm doing MUCH BETTER!! Thanks for the prayers...elboriyorker, Dash, Big Jew & my lil Ray...hope y'all were treating the ladies nice...
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    BiG JeW's ToUch/VoGuE KiLLs iPHONE!!! 07/21/08

    I love your Touch Big J... Looks great as usual.
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    thermus's vacation??????

    Glad you're back Thermus!
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    BJ's ALICIA KEYS S2U2 Theme!

    Awwww...I love Alicia Keys! Love the s2u.. Thanks big jew
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    Post Your Pics Here

    Nice pics Mike... Bout time you posted some pics where I can see your face! Very nice Tar...
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    Post Your Pics Here

    Nice pics & your gf is beautiful. Thanks for sharing
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    Instinct voice mail

    Awww..thank you very much...I don't remember the name of the program. I'll do a search and get beck with you. Maybe someone else will remember in the meantime.
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    Obama Video--Only watch if you have a sense of humor... SICK of yall calling my video corny! All y'all need to breathe & relax lol!! Dude is a weird Al type dude & makes fun of stuff..HENCE SENSE OF HUMOR! And far as your comment on Mccain...I completely agree! But this is the United States..everyone is entitled to their own...
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    Obama Video--Only watch if you have a sense of humor...

    Sheddup baby!! I thought it was funny! *looks up at the comments*...why y'all so damn mean on this thread? Sheesh!