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    Text Message Threader

    yes do a earch next tim and also pocket cm has threaded built in as another option
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    its for black berry devices....sry
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    ICube For The Mogul

    yes i do but it may totally melt your phone and AMJ is not in any way responsible but i over clock mine to 624 and its fast
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    We Did It!!

    wahhhooooeyyyy....nice work...guyz lets keep this up we are on our way to 400
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    TellMeText (freeware)

    this one looks halarious...having your phone read your text messages out loud...whats next a program that makes the caller describe why they are calling you to make the decision of answering the phone or not easier for you lol that would be great...
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    My custom named Mogul animated avatar/sig

    thanks..I hope to get better
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    My custom named Mogul animated avatar/sig

    thnaks guyz...glad you like it...
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    My custom named Mogul animated avatar/sig

    here it is i just made this its one of my first photoshop creations so dont laugh at its suckyness ...let me know thanks
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    Black Glow skin for HTC Audio Manager

    nope none other that i know of
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    Mogul Users Got News For You!!!

    Bro did you record that convo cause thats just cant do that cause...a) if there flashing peoples phone who the hell is gunna sell the phones to customers....b) sprints too lazy to do that
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    Windows Mobile 6.1 UPGRADE for HTC Touch cruise (Polaris)

    this is for the touch cruise not the htc touch/vouge
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    tilt slider sound

    theres a program program under the slider sound section that soes it for ya with out having to mess with the registry that and the sound and you should be straight
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    34$, Kingston 4gb microsdhc, shipped free.

    Re: 27$, Kingston 4gb microsdhc, shipped free. I changed price in title to the correct amount
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    HTC Home v2.1.1005.722

    D/\SH Whats New About This One...Lol
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    Paris Hotel Must Hate Bill Gates... Check this out!

    hahah wtf thats fucked up
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    We Did It!!! has just reached it all time high traffic rating of 191,082, for those of you who don't know what that means that out of every single website in the whole entire universe we are the 191,082 most visited one (thats dam good by the way)....also .0003 percent of...
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    Modded touch

    nope it dosent have endless posibilities....wathc the new more bro has been on mews for a month after iphone came out...absolultly not we cant get that on the htc totuch or mogul cause the iphone has diferent touch screen then us and cause of the gyros in the i said search google...
  18. T

    Modded touch

    WOW....BRO he has it jailbreoken you can mod iphone and itouches like we can mod out mogul and htc touches same deal except for them its a we bit harder and t=not as much a google search for jailbreak bro
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    Modded touch

    bro that aint a htc touch thats an iphone touch...anyway i hate apple
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    Calender on the bottom left corner

    yep no problem glad your happy