Modded touch

Well thats wierd becuase I never need an iphone touch with the icons on the bottom like a mac laptop where you scroll through the icons wit your finger. Iphone touch ive seen has the regular icons and all that. Okay you know how an apple laptop have the icons at the bottom of the screen and u use a mouse to point on one and it maximizes..all im saying is ive never seen an iphone do that. ur tellin me that is the iphone touch??? Doesnt make sense to me..
WOW....BRO he has it jailbreoken you can mod iphone and itouches like we can mod out mogul and htc touches same deal except for them its a we bit harder and t=not as much a google search for jailbreak bro
So do u think its possible to get what he has on his iphone ( whole touch interface) on a 6800 or touch??? Jailbreak?? what does that mean?? endless possiblities??
nope it dosent have endless posibilities....wathc the new more bro has been on mews for a month after iphone came out...absolultly not we cant get that on the htc totuch or mogul cause the iphone has diferent touch screen then us and cause of the gyros in the i said search google bro read up on it we are not an iphone (parsay) type of site not the title>>>