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  1. C

    New person

    Welcome here! :)
  2. C

    new member

    Welcome here! :)
  3. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Sorry, I'm back.. But as for phones, Up to date, only the Pre and Instinct doesn't work on the Sero. The BB require extra work but is is doable. As for the Hero, there is a 75% chance of it not working, but we will have to see for that.
  4. C

    [NEWS] Espn magazine up to 3 years free

    D'oh missed this >.<
  5. C

    [NEWS] Best Buy to presell Sprint's HTC Hero starting September 13th

    Also, Sprint would charge you $35 restocking fee if you already activated your device.
  6. C


    Welcome to the forum... hope you have a great time here :)
  7. C


    Welcome to the forum... hope you have a great time here :)
  8. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Back in business if there is any interested party :)
  9. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Still got a lot of ground work to do :)
  10. C

    [INFO] Designer [LV] HomeScreen

    Yeah, nice bling bling you got there :D
  11. C

    hi all

    Hello Randon, welcome to the forum! There are many ROM's around, just try a few for yourself and see what ones you like better. There is no such thing as flashing/trying too much ROMs :) BTW, I'm using Mighty Mikes on my at the time being. Good luck with the flashing :)
  12. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Yep, That form was a pain to fill out when I was a freshman. Yearly renewal was a piece of cake. Also, I believed it was called FAFSA, but whatever. :D Just graduated and waiting for my first bill to arrive, how fun!
  13. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Enjoy enjoy! Have fun with the account and good luck with the number transfer.. let me know if you need to know anything else :)
  14. C

    TP2 or hero

    Yeah, it is hard decision to make as for each phone for its own advantages and disadvantages. Like the others said before: WinMO v.s. Android, hard keyboard v.s. virtual keyboad and big and bulky (TP2) or slim and stylish (Hero - almost the same as iPhone). Me personally, I'm going to jump on...
  15. C

    New Here

    Re: hello everyone We are so diverse! Even the guys at a hardware store knows about us :D
  16. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Hopefully my company will pay for my Masters later on :highfive:
  17. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Scheduled to do a TOL with fanaticny tomorrow @ around 4 PM. Will take more request if there is any :) --------- New Post Merged on 11/8/2009 at 07:27:35 -------- Success! Transferred the SERO to fanaticny on 08/11/2009 at around 7:00 AM EST. My duration of the TOL was 19:05 with an American...
  18. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    I want to go to school.. anyone here can pay for me to go to school? xD
  19. C

    New Here

    Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay here! So much to do and read around here! :)
  20. C

    [NEWS] 64GB memory card due Spring 2010

    Heck yes! I it takes 32x 2GB cards to fit one of these monsters? Jeez...