[NEWS] Best Buy to presell Sprint's HTC Hero starting September 13th


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I wonder if we will know the pricing of the Hero in a few weeks? BB will probably sell it outright for $700+, as they like to jack up the price of phones. But it will probably go for less than $200, with a 2 year contract...


A leaked shot of a computer screen in Best Buy's internal system shows that the big box retailer could be soon taking pre orders on Sprint's HTC Hero. According to the picture, it appears that September 13th would be the starting date for taking the orders for the Android powered device. The Hero has HTC's proprietary Sense UI and is the first phone using Google's open source OS to support flash on the browser. As we reported last week when this CDMA version of the Hero visited the FCC, October 11th is Sprint's expected launch date of the handset. Pricing is not known at the moment.


found originally here:
Re: Best Buy to presell Sprints HTC Hero starting September 13th

now thats what im talking about I cant wait I just hope it hits the regular sprint stores before I stop working for sprint / radioshack so I can get this onto my employee plan before im not a sales agent and would get questioned about why im on a employee plan haha. Though the only problem no matter what the girlfriend will be pissed about me dropping anymore money on cellphones.
i mad happy 2 see this cuz some guy at the sprint told me sprint is not getting that be he is so sure there getting the iphone in january

hahahahah the only talk i heard with the iphone in the states is with verizon so i have no clue where he got this and the FCC approved this about a week to 2 weeks ago for cdma carriers so that was the firsdt big hint than the playbook saying it and now this..... i know i got this on my calender on my phone and will be there preordering it thats for sure.
im on the sprint employee plan... not SERO... so i gotta check into your guys feed back cause i gotta buy my phone out right.. so full price... so if you guys have dislikes or likes please let me know... !!!... i'm leaning on the hero... but i love modifying the hell out of the diamond... and wishing i had the pro... but please inform which is best buy lol...
that's messed up but ok.. i need to buy it on craigslist cause i am on the employee plan and i can't afford 500 right now lol... 200 sounds better... lol... thanks again for the info dash!
Re: Best Buy to presell Sprints HTC Hero starting September 13th

thats weird cause im on a employee plan and if I check my acount information or call sprint they tell me I got a upgrade coming up :-S
Re: Best Buy to presell Sprints HTC Hero starting September 13th

thats weird cause im on a employee plan and if I check my acount information or call sprint they tell me I got a upgrade coming up :-S

employee plans usually get upgrades once every 2 years...i've somehow worked it out so my upgrade discount never resets no matter how often I buy a phone...it's pretty awesome...